I didn't read all 39 pages, so I'm sure some of my thoughts are echoed throughout the thread in one way or another, but here they are anyway.
- First of all, I agree with the overall sentiment that PvP gearing this expansion, especially this tier, is pretty terrible with almost zero incentive.
- I understand there is a tough balancing act to try to make it so PvP gear is not a primary source(especially BiS) for PvE while still making it viable in PvP and vice versa.
- I'm not a fan of the way PvP templates are currently implemented. I believe that stats should matter and you should be able to customize stats based on how you want to play your character. I also like the variety of having trinkets/set bonuses to work in PvP. I'm ok with scaling of gear to prevent ridiculous power gains and item levels, but just throwing on the highest item level gear in each slot feels incredibly dull and boring.
- Fully agree with original post about iLvl disparities and time investment for pvp gearing. Even as someone who doesn't mind participating in pvp just to play, whether gear is needed or not, I fully believe there should be better incentives to play.
- Titanforging is a whole other massive discussion, but in short, I think it is fine as long as they just tone down the frequency and size(ie shouldn't be able to get a 960 TF from content that gives 915 gear, no matter how rare the chance)
- I like the idea that PvP gear at equal iLvl is better for PvP and weaker in PvE. And vice versa. Seems like common sense. I know Versatility is supposed to be the new "PvP resilience", however it ended up just being another secondary stat. Many PvE specs actually have Vers as a top priority. I feel like they should bring back a survivability stat to PvP gear like resilience that makes it desirable for PvP, but not for PvE.
- The RNG of this expac, which is not exclusive to PvP, makes gearing very frustrating. I prefer the currency model that allows you to purchase gear, with the additional chance to obtain gear from completing PvP content.
Think thats it. Just felt like adding my two cents.
03/20/2018 09:43 AMPosted by BlingtronAlso, where is the Battle for Azeroth Alpha PvP forum?
Do we not get one this expansion?
Thanks for listening.
There's no pvp server on alpha yet, so just wait until we get one
Release the 2k elite mog thread show your support as a community who wants better for pvp
Just came back from a 2 yr break. Why does blizz continue to make this game easier and less complex and take away systems that are doing fine?
One thing I think a lot of us forgot about is Gems in MoP. I thought it was a great system that boosted economy, and added another layer to gear.
One thing I think a lot of us forgot about is Gems in MoP. I thought it was a great system that boosted economy, and added another layer to gear.
I'd love to see a pvp overhaul. I know we underwent one in WoD and again in Legion but I think we need another one.
One much more closely resembling that of MoP.
My 2 cents.
One much more closely resembling that of MoP.
My 2 cents.
Echoing this statement. What I personally don't like is 2 things:
iLevel of gear: the difficulty of winning bg's/arenas doesn't justify the gear rewarded. It's easier to buy craftable gear on AH or do daily quests. I can also easily grab better gear by pugging M+/current raid.
Random acquisition: I can specifically hunt for slots in other content. The obliterum forge helped. But the gear obtained is still random stats and doesn't include relics/trinkets/jewelry.
iLevel of gear: the difficulty of winning bg's/arenas doesn't justify the gear rewarded. It's easier to buy craftable gear on AH or do daily quests. I can also easily grab better gear by pugging M+/current raid.
Random acquisition: I can specifically hunt for slots in other content. The obliterum forge helped. But the gear obtained is still random stats and doesn't include relics/trinkets/jewelry.
Got to experience a 977 ilvl rogue while on my 2.2k 954 ilvl MW. Fun times. (He also had a personal mistweaver with him as well). Sure wish they didn't screw us over entirely season 6.
i hope that BFA will have better pvp rewards, i never was a pve player before but legion push me to do it because i can grab a 960+ in a m+ but in ranked pvp 2000+ i can got a 940 (i think) from 1 in a WEEK
Is blizzard going to fix this new garbage pvp system of scaling based on ilvl it's very very stupid. It doesn't allow for anything it's just jump in and play I know for your higher ilvl you get a little better stats but it's dumb why would I want to play at this point just to play? Sounds dumb and I don't like it. I hope they go to the old way. I want old wow pvp back where you can customize you character and change his stats to what best goes with my play style. Plus the grind gave you something to work for. Maybe add a tab so for people that want to play the new care bear pvp can and real wow pvp people can still do play the right way!
I'm still getting ilvl 910 gear from arena wins LOL
Why does raiding on normal difficulty provide such better gear than arenas?
Why does raiding on normal difficulty provide such better gear than arenas?
01/10/2018 10:11 AMPosted by MaficUnprune the classes.
Sub and Outlaw Rogues without poisons doesn't make sense. Sub and Assassination without Gouge doesn't make sense.
Why is shiv an honor talent along with smoke bomb when they both once were base line?
Why are so many honor talents not base line to specs and classes?
What is even the point of honor talents?
Bruh this is sooo true
I must say I agree a lot , I just came back to the game after I quit back in cata and I'm in total shock to what they did to PvP gear in legion .. I preferred the old system way more !
PS : Im wet and im drippin slippin ,I must say I agree a lot , I just came back to the game after I quit back in cata and I'm in total shock to what they did to PvP gear in legion .. I preferred the old system way more !
PS : Im wet and im drippin slippin
PS : Im wet and im drippin slippin ,I must say I agree a lot , I just came back to the game after I quit back in cata and I'm in total shock to what they did to PvP gear in legion .. I preferred the old system way more !
PS : Im wet and im drippin slippin
Hahahaha i love this thread, and even after all the freaking feedback, this THIC faced Devs are stating that they have no clue why we are not engaging in PVP hahaha.
1 Like
Let me customize secondary stats in instanced pvp via gear. Use pvp templates for main stat and stamina only.
04/10/2018 10:18 AMPosted by FishfishcatLet me customize secondary stats in instanced pvp via gear. Use pvp templates for main stat and stamina only.
Legion PvP is garbage. Your suggestion would be modest step towards improvement.
the problem with the resilience argument is it makes the barrier to doing even casual pvp pretty high. I remember queueing for 1 random bg at max level all of... I think it was WOTLK and I queued with no resil at all. couldn't hurt anything to save my life and I was reasonably geared not great but decent. it was dumb and annoying.
maybe they could only put templates in skirms and random bgs only. I want to be able to gather and build a really good pvp set and a good pve set. its an mmo; I want to build and develop my character across all horizons
maybe they could only put templates in skirms and random bgs only. I want to be able to gather and build a really good pvp set and a good pve set. its an mmo; I want to build and develop my character across all horizons
Just bought legion bundle for pvp mainly.
I'm not to faund for all this monster killing raiding stuff.
I enjoyed the gearing through pvp & being able to customize stats to playstyle.
I can understand if their moving towards a more casual type of game but Don't dumb it down due to the increase rate of autism in America.
I'm not to faund for all this monster killing raiding stuff.
I enjoyed the gearing through pvp & being able to customize stats to playstyle.
I can understand if their moving towards a more casual type of game but Don't dumb it down due to the increase rate of autism in America.
[quote="207591805764"]Of course, when they fix it so PVP gear is competitive again, there will be a 21 page thread from pvers who feel forced to pvp for gear.
This has been a no win situation for years, and it has literally gone back and forth for years. Either pvp gear is good and pvers are unhappy, or pvp gear is bad and pvpers are unhappy.
They'll probably do something like make gear irrelevant in world pvp with scaling to try and bandaid it[/quote
But you see people who pve shouldn't feel like they need to go into pvp to gear because they have things like lfr and m+ for catch up gear. Nobody in their right mind should go into pvp thinking "Hey I need to gear for raiding" because there are much better ways to do it and vice versa with pve gear in pvp.
This has been a no win situation for years, and it has literally gone back and forth for years. Either pvp gear is good and pvers are unhappy, or pvp gear is bad and pvpers are unhappy.
They'll probably do something like make gear irrelevant in world pvp with scaling to try and bandaid it[/quote
But you see people who pve shouldn't feel like they need to go into pvp to gear because they have things like lfr and m+ for catch up gear. Nobody in their right mind should go into pvp thinking "Hey I need to gear for raiding" because there are much better ways to do it and vice versa with pve gear in pvp.
Lets just hope that this "Devs" get it together, and Fix something at least for War Mode, but seriously ive lost all my hope.
Why not have it both ways?
UNRANKED PVP: Normalizes your stats completely not gear related at all, naked player has the same exact stats as a max raid gear player(so pve'rs that want mounts and stuff can play) and it rewards LFR gear with tokens over long time frame (say a week per piece of casual play bought from a shop the old pvp way) but the gear doesn't effect your pvp stats at all in this method.
RANKED PVP: rewards the same pvp progression we are used to seeing that so many PVErs complain about. with resil and everything that makes you 1 shot the newly max level.
This way if you really want to just PVE you can do LFR's with the RNG chances. But if you want to pvp you can go in without the 80 hits to do 5% hp...1 hit back dead crap when the only reason you are there is for some mount or pet because you are an achievement junkie.
Because truth be told it seems pve people hate the gear progression of pvp because they are only there for something PVE related. and Pvp hate the changes made to make the pvers happy.
UNRANKED PVP: Normalizes your stats completely not gear related at all, naked player has the same exact stats as a max raid gear player(so pve'rs that want mounts and stuff can play) and it rewards LFR gear with tokens over long time frame (say a week per piece of casual play bought from a shop the old pvp way) but the gear doesn't effect your pvp stats at all in this method.
RANKED PVP: rewards the same pvp progression we are used to seeing that so many PVErs complain about. with resil and everything that makes you 1 shot the newly max level.
This way if you really want to just PVE you can do LFR's with the RNG chances. But if you want to pvp you can go in without the 80 hits to do 5% hp...1 hit back dead crap when the only reason you are there is for some mount or pet because you are an achievement junkie.
Because truth be told it seems pve people hate the gear progression of pvp because they are only there for something PVE related. and Pvp hate the changes made to make the pvers happy.