PvP gearing is bad and not fun (HELP)

I have played hundreds of games of arena and my ilvl is bellow the casual Mythic+ players. Not only do the casual PVEers Do more damage, do more healing and also have more HP than me in Arena / BGs but they also have a !@#$ load more stats / buffs in world PVP it’s kind of a joke to be honest. The rewards are a joke too few rewards and only to the top few %. I can understand why the casual player might not get into PVP the 2k wall might feel impossible and there is no rewards for 0-1999CR players so what’s the point?

This only creates a small player base doing Ranked Arena and It feels like it gets more toxic daily sometimes. The player base consists of a lot of good players that are on their 4th - 8th alts and it’s always the same people you are playing against. A new PvPer ESPECIALLY a healer will be called every name in the book when they get insta killed or let you insta die and everyone knows it, we need to get new and old PVPers back into arena again and that’s not going to happen if there are no reachable goals for them to start with.

P.S I am not even start about the MoP, WoD Duelist Requirement for Red Glow PvP Illusion problem but that is another issue that should be looked at.
At least their ending the season, so hopefully next season we get the right ilvl gear...

inb4 950 gear max for the rest of the expac. ><
03/10/2018 06:57 PMPosted by Syñn
I have played hundreds of games of arena and my ilvl is bellow the casual Mythic+ players. Not only do the casual PVEers Do more damage, do more healing and also have more HP than me in Arena / BGs but they also have a !@#$ load more stats / buffs in world PVP it’s kind of a joke to be honest. The rewards are a joke too few rewards and only to the top few %. I can understand why the casual player might not get into PVP the 2k wall might feel impossible and there is no rewards for 0-1999CR players so what’s the point?

This only creates a small player base doing Ranked Arena and It feels like it gets more toxic daily sometimes. The player base consists of a lot of good players that are on their 4th - 8th alts and it’s always the same people you are playing against. A new PvPer ESPECIALLY a healer will be called every name in the book when they get insta killed or let you insta die and everyone knows it, we need to get new and old PVPers back into arena again and that’s not going to happen if there are no reachable goals for them to start with.

P.S I am not even start about the MoP, WoD Duelist Requirement for Red Glow PvP Illusion problem but that is another issue that should be looked at.

Welcome to WOW Legion, the place where Holinka and his team kicked the PVP player in the nuts.
Signed Ven

Seems strange to me to make Mythic+ raiding an absolute requirement if you want to be as competitive as possible in arena (+20 ilvls, hello), this is content that is inaccessible unless you're willing to invest time and effort into it. In effect, you're now forcing players to invest heavily into BOTH Mythic raiding and arena, in order to play arenas at the highest level.
I was an officer of Inner Sanctum-EU in TBC (best ranking 2nd world on wowjutsu) and consider myself done and burned out over tryhard PvE, it simply doesn't interest me at all anymore. Especially since to me, arena is simply a better game and the one thing that makes WoW stand out from the rest.

I've played this game for arena exclusively since wotlk, and over several expansions I've been able to "cap" my gear through playing arenas, thus contributing to an active ladder. Seemed fine to me Blizzard?
Can we have a better way to gear... Please?

It's funny, because I've been doing arena since legion S1, always around 2400 CR. Season 1 gave good drops, from there it died.

Even then PvP gear gives the worst stats, and is just horrendous compared to how much easier it is to PvE and get gear that's actually good..
Stop the RNG of gaining gear. How is this fun? Or perhaps instead of getting gold when you gain an honour level you get some gear? Presto, fixed.

Also; please make new armour sets. I remember in Cata, paladins had the most beautiful set (esp the t2 version) and it was pvp only. Please stop reusing garbage from PvE and let your art team have some fun.

A daily quest where you get you win 10 games and you get a token which you can exchange for a piece of gear.
03/12/2018 05:31 PMPosted by Nukehazard
Can we have a better way to gear... Please?

It's funny, because I've been doing arena since legion S1, always around 2400 CR. Season 1 gave good drops, from there it died.

Even then PvP gear gives the worst stats, and is just horrendous compared to how much easier it is to PvE and get gear that's actually good..

Doing PVE also allows you to gain more opportunities for warforged/titanforged PVP gear.

That should be a big red flag that PVP gearing system is broken when it is easier to gain PVP gear with versatility doing pure PVE.
I’m really interested in what they decide to set the ilevel tiers at next season. Imo to be in line with difficulty levels in the rest of the game, ilevels should start (weekly/random) at 925/915 (on par with raid finder) and be 955/945 for 1800-2k (on par with heroic antorus and close enough to weekly 15 box), then 960/950 at 2k, so on and so forth +5 ilevels to 2400+.
03/05/2018 08:43 PMPosted by Himwhogazes
02/18/2018 05:03 PMPosted by Blingtron
Remember this thread before you buy BfA.

The largest PvP issue in months with unanimous agreement and urgency between the player-base amounts to absolutely nothing despite a small hotfix being able to address it completely.

Keep this in mind, guys.

They dont care about us anymore, lol, and its no longer just hyperbole...this is the clearest sign of apathy.
Fix it
03/01/2018 08:53 PMPosted by Qqoblin
03/01/2018 11:24 AMPosted by Twoshotz

Templates are useless because the playin field isnt level and then templates makes gear and stats not matter and they dont care or bother adjusting these so its a useless system, these templates should have been adjusted weekly by whats too strong and whats too weak but yet we have things like destro locks and wws compared to something like bm hunter and combat rogues, atleast without templates maybe classes could be playable that they are too lazy to fix

At least with templates a fresh new 110 player can join a BG and be useful, won't die so quickly and can hit more than a wet noodle.
I do think that Blizz needs to pay attention and focus on balancing out their templates based on what's going in the meta. I hope they give it the attention in BfA or at least start on it it soon and focus on it going into BfA.

From there, if the implement or bring back gear acquisition, players can get stronger outside of PVP.

A new player should be a wet noodle go grind your gear and learn your class its how it always was its called progression we all start somewhere, giving everything to everyone is what caused all this mess mostly
Yeah ima ride this !@#$ show out till bfa and if there isnt huge pvp improvements im done spending money on these fools
01/09/2018 01:48 PMPosted by Ythisens
Thanks guys for all the feedback

    Season 6 ends tonight, and this giant thread has amounted to absolutely nothing materializing on your end, despite four months passing.

    If the intent of a generic CM blue post was to "demonstrate your listening", how condescending to the pvp player-base when a tiny hotfix can't even materialize in that time frame.

    All players collectively wanted was a small item level buff to close the gap between seasons and stay remotely competitive in other game modes, instead LFR had higher base rewards than the mmr 90% of the player base participates in.

    (When you consider how many major pvp-bugs still exist, it was comparatively asking very little)

    Perhaps this is the kind of (continued) "unresponse" we can look forward too in BfA ? It's hardly a mystery why the pvp community is often mislabeled as toxic or angry when you treat them like garbage.
I say if BFA PvP sucks we just all quit giving our money to blizzard and say !@#$ em
Also, where is the Battle for Azeroth Alpha PvP forum?

Do we not get one this expansion?

Thanks for listening.
looking like gear got a 10 ilvl bump now... sooo 960 gear at 2400. Still 5 ilvl shorter where it was previous seasons
I have stopped participating in rated pvp because there was no reward for my time.
I would love to see a separation between PVP and PVE gear again.
I don't min PVE players having an advantage in open world as long as I have advantage when it comes to PVP.
This only seems logical and balance to me.
As for PVE players upset about having to pvp... don't if you don't like it. 90+ % of the game is tailored to the pve community anyway.
where are the elites at? That's right nowhere. This discussion got us nowhere. I cannot even implement a single hotfix to fix the ilvl disparities. What a disgrace! Why even pvp at all?
They are too busy turning the game into Diablo III to fix anything.