PVP from a twink players perspective, & my solution to fixing it

I agree, queue times will be affected. but twinks are the minority. would Blizzard rather cater to the queue times of their minority audience, or cater to the queue times of the majority of their players? Hmm…

I want competitive games.


My queue times have been fine considering Horde. I play late too, I imagine primetime is better

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10-30 59s is not going to have ques popping every night, would you be alright with setting up wargames for specific nights? or specific que bgs on certain nights? that’s the only way you are going to get games.

I dont want to remove premades either anything that takes away from palying with others is bad. I was just throwing that out there as a possibility if queing into premades bothers you.

If you want stream worthy games then wargames is the only real way to go for sure though. I just don’t want to have to plan out specific days to play the game. I honestly don’t see 59s getting games any other way, I would love to be proven wrong though.

Wod scalling was fine what gear exploits did it lead to? actually curious if there was any I am open to having my mind changed on this subject.


I am referring to after a bracket separation. Please stop commenting.


Is it just me or is that a lot of words to restate that XP off should be separate?


In your OP you claimed long queue times because of twinks.

I run 39 wargames on a weekly basis. If you play on BH, you can go to either Durator or Goldshire and see 20 or so twinks on average.

I also run a 59 guild with an average of 4-8 twinks online at a time. I have friends xrealm who play, and friends on the opposite faction that I can tell to queue into. We can get games easy, people are just lazy lol.

59 gets wargames. I actually organized 59 WSG games last night. I was even streaming it, until the enemy team started viewing my channel. It really shouldn’t be that difficult to get 10 or 20 people together for games.


how many days a week do the 39 wargames run? how are they btw I might come to some if its on a day I can play.

How often though? a lot of people would like to be able to just que when ever. Although I bet the games were lots fun.

I did. that’s because running 5 mans drastically slows the queue times, and destroying players to the point they afk out (and cant requeue for 15 minutes) diminishes the queue times. That cant be argued. Of course there are instant pops sometimes, but my overall point being, is that there are changes to be made.


Here is just a simple example.
Buff the low end of lower brackets, adjust OP items to maintain the power creep.
You min, max so you understand how the cap currently works on stats within the selected brackets. Few items are actually that much stronger, PTR and all.
There are indeed Templates, which are controlled by gearing options.
Adjustments, Tuning can lead to a nice medium balance between “Levelers” and “Twinks” IMO.

Let’s see what they do next. :wink:

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Seen 2 premade groups up to level 42, all leveling done by BGs, no quests/dungeons after I hit level 10.

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What if they set up something like rated battlegrounds for the 19, 29, 39…and so on brackets, where twinks can que in as single or groups? They would be opt in for anyone. Maybe bring back the titles that could you could gain in ranks. Some kind of reward system for doing this, and it would create an environment where twinks could thrive in.


I pointed this out. It was not a good or credible sample to be taken. Heirloom players are fine. They were never a problem for my characters when I didn’t have them.


Heirloom players vs new players is just as powerful as twinks vs heirloom players, considering heirloom gear scales as you level.





Go ahead and make a non heirloom toon then, the same challenge that was proposed to me :joy:

Blizz is not going to crack down on twinks. There are many people who play only to twink. Lots of subs there. Just keep going. If you like to bg in a bracket, twink. If not, just keep going, you’ll be moving on up.


As I said.



Naked Dark Souls runs say hi.

Last time there was an incentive to twinking, that granted titles and rewards, twinked characters pondered off with gladiator titles & mounts. As I said earlier, players will always find a way to exploit things.

Although, It wouldn’t be difficult to tailor your idea…I honestly dont think blizzard should invest time into twinking when so many players appear to be unsatisfied with the state of BFA.