PVP Dead on arrival due to alliance imbalance

Then go play era and go struggle to level. Lmfao

Do us all a favor.


Most of us are in the fresh vanilla waiting room. Enjoy your dying cata toddler mode while itā€™s still struggling to survive.

Cata raids are literally harder than any content you have ever done.

Enjoy standing still fighting a defenseless boss while you all talk about how hard Hogger was.


pvp imbalance hardly matters in the area most casual PVPers are going to be in, which is RBGs.

Most of the people complaining were never going to rank at a high level, alliance or no. Alliance is the smaller faction because most of classic cares about PVE, and a small niche that cares about ranking glad in arena are obviously going to be alliance.

Thatā€™s just how the cookie is gonna crumble, but as horde weā€™re more than capable of getting higher ranks in RBGs and getting points and gear.

Many people who asked for/enjoy the trilogy have done far harder content than the over exaggerated Cata. The raids will be cleared on the first day of release. Heroics are already steam rolled because theyā€™re not actually hard. If you want end game go raid mythics and high 20 keys rather than a fourteen year solved game that you pretend is hard to boost your ego.

I raided OG cata raids prenerf. I already complemented them in the first comment with you in this thread.

This discussion was about the leveling experience, but you keep shifting the goal post to raids when we already had an agreement. Your fragile ego canā€™t concede that you have no logical, sound counter arguments on the leveling experience discussion, so you bait and switch to a different topic we already agreed on lmfao.

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I donā€™t pretend itā€™s hard, my point was that you are all so bad you canā€™t do the content.

Reading is hard.


Character name?


I havenā€™t played retail since mop came out. That account is long invisible from inactivity.

Yea but we all believe you that you did it back then.

Iā€™m sure youā€™re also a rank 1 player on your other account.


You said Cata is harder than anything classic players have done to which I replied many have raided harder content in the past decade, so actually your reading comprehension is bad. You may not have said itā€™s hard but you certainly implied it.

I implied it was hard for THEM.

Which it is, you can tell by clear rates of stuff like Algalon or Heroic LK.

Iā€™m betting neither of you cleared it.


2.2k exp actually, never pretended to be a glad player.

Itā€™s funny you think I would even care to buy a sub to my old account to ā€œproveā€ myself to a random idiot Iā€™ve never met on the forums , lol.

We both know you didnā€™t do it.

You can just say the toons name and server.


I know it and donā€™t care about a rando on the internet kid. Lmao. Have a nice day.

Imagine saying horde are bad when most alliance players are just horde players chasing Night Elf or Gnome racials lmao(it turns out the best arena players flip flop depending on class/raxial)

Shocker, you canā€™t prove it.

If you were actually that good you hate me enough to shut me up, but you know you canā€™t.

Everyone is a great player on their other hidden account, lmfao.

Is that you Frosstfire?

Like if I was trash I wouldnā€™t post on this mage that has all public logs, Iā€™d just say hey Iā€™m good trust me bro, im a 99 parsing mage on my other account.

I donā€™t need to do that, I can just post on the mage, sucks having to hide huh?


Na, I just donā€™t care to go out of my way to prove it to a random idiot of no consequence to me. Iā€™m just having a good laugh at your absolute obsession, insecure much?

Some people look for the easy excuse out in pug bg.

It is never them, ofc. Or their team. It was the human racial!

No. unless hunting for road kills, which is violation of donā€™t fight on roads, fight on objectives commandment. Humans who use emfh are met with the next cc. Same as trinket users really.

I got masked to horde a few times this weekend. 99% of them going to rush the EOS flag with no towers to take it to usually goes very badly. It has nothing at all to with EMFH. No towers to take flagā€¦means no points. as the enemy works up 2-3 capping for even more points.

I tried to take one. 3+ on 1ā€™s end badly. That is with me using freedom, trinket, bubble and I even have cleansed clear some movement cc too.

I saw the wave coming in prepatch and bit the bullet. Iā€™m alliance now and the ONLY time I lose its to other alliance disguised as horde.

Itā€™s unfortunate but the truth is horde attracts the worst kind of players. Itā€™s honestly a breath of fresh air both in pve and pvp to be ally.