PVP Dead on arrival due to alliance imbalance

Then play Alliance.



You know what’s funny? Horde the entire time Shaman and Horde Racials were/are busted and broken in Season of Discovery were trying to gaslight Alliance by saying “Alliance doesn’t queue PvP because Alliance is just bad at PvP”…now the same thing happens to Horde on Cata due to Racial imbalance LOL.


Leveling has never been hard, this isnt Everquest my guy.

You enjoy target dummy end game, im sorry.



CRY MORE, THE ERA OF HUMAN SUPREMACY IS…well, it’s not 2010 anymore, but NOW

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Drink these glorious Horde tears in brother, retribution for SoD!!!


I think you are complaining about premade. Or are you complaining about faction imbalance?
Either way you are going to face premade a lot of time. I don’t think switching your faction will help you. If you join solo as an alliance you will probably face horde premade I would suspect.

There is no solution other than to lower your participation a bit so that you are not frustrated. Microsoft will not faction balance, change the human free trinket, stop premades. So just let those go right now lol.

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Yep horde is getting rolled right now, AND this happened at pre patch too. You can claim gear is the factor but in reality horde are just bad at BGs. Welcome to the new wave, gone are the days of SoD and classic era horde dominance, now is the time for alliance domination.

Reroll, come join the alliance via xfer or keep crying because this is just the beginning.


Just roll a BM hunter, same thing on a 60 sec cd.

This is the truth. The really powerful raid trinkets aren’t even in the game yet.

Your opinion doesn’t make it true. Cataclysm is still very much so in the classic genre. MoP is when they changed talent systems completely and took class identity away by giving multiple classes the same exact abilities and effects with the different names. MoP was what I would consider the begining of the new Era where the game turned into a theme park MMO to pander specifically to casual players and turn it’s shoulder on those die hard WoW addicts.

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If you think cataclysm leveling isn’t ridiculously easier than vanilla you’re either being dishonest or an idiot.

Nice deflection. Merely over a disagreement in leveling, how petty lmao. Are you 12?

There was literally nothing hard about vanilla leveling.

Try pressing buttons?

Youre that lvl60 in goldshire talking about “back in my day we had to fight an Elwynn terror named Hogger, you all have it easy”!!!

No one cares, youre in the minority, imagine being so low skilled you think leveling difficulty exists in any form in wow.


On the contrary, I’m having the time of my life in wintergrasp. 1200% Damage, Health, Healing buff. 3M health, 300k Death Strikes 30k blood boils. 1 vs roughly 60 at a time. 1k - 2k honor.

I get to relive the good ole ESO emperor days.

Vanilla had risk of death if you aren’t careful. You need situational awareness, managing your mana and knowing how many and when to pull, when to use consumes, etc. is a skill. That’s if you’re leveling efficiently that is.

If you are seriously going to argue it’s the same difficulty as cata where the risk of death is zero no matter how reckless you act, and everything dies in 2 hits, you are frankly an idiot, never played this game, or are just dishonest.

Have some self awareness. Look at the poor performance of cata and the decline in subs in OG, we are repeating history.

you are the minority here. Nobody enjoys your toddler leveling experience.

Imagine have no arguments so your revert to ad hominems. Everything you say has no backing. Like a petty child.

Leveling has always been easy.

Your argument is irrelevant.

If anything you should be happy, they made leveling to match your skill.

“Cata would be S tier if only leveling was harder”.

Literally only you.


If we are comparing the two. One is obviously harder than the other. One requires you to use your brain at all, the other doesn’t.

Your argument boils down to “neither one is mythic, therefore both are equal”. You have no logic in your arguments. You’re frankly an idiot, but at least you’re not dishonest I guess LOL.

Never said that. Now you’re just straw manning me. Seems all your capable of is logical fallacies.

You’re argument is leveling.

Which is the most idiotic thing to bring up.

Who cares about leveling, it’s a means to get to max level to actually play the game.

This mage did 80-85 in the first day and will now do the full xpac at max level, that shows you how irrelevant leveling is.

20 hours to level, 120 days at max. Leveling is literally dumbest argument to bring up.

Get over it.


The audience that got us classic. You clearly are out of touch and we’re not the target audience of classic.

You’re right you aren’t the target audience, go play EverQuest.

It took me under 10 hours to hit max level, on a toon I will most likely play 80 days /played for the entire expansion, leveling is irrelevant


I was a nostalrious player. This was the target audience of classic.