PvP and PvE gear taking up backpack space

Will we ever be able to equip gear directly from our banks so we can save backpack space? Our backpacks are already filled with tons of nearly useless stuff this expansion. I see no reason to force us to hold two sets of equipment in our backpacks at all time.

Let us equip directly from the bank while we are out doing PvE stuff and in a PvP queue.

Do you still use the 8 slot Tunks Trunk from exiles reach or something? :face_with_spiral_eyes::woozy_face::roll_eyes:

I guess you don’t PvE much?

I’m using all 32 slot bags and they are full of all sorts of junk from items that should technically be currency to similar potions but with three different “tiers” of each. The list of crap is endless. Adding two sets of gear to my backpack on top of everything else is beyond stupid. Especially when it would be so simple to let us equip directly from our banks. Guild Wars 2 does it. And seeing how a lot of stuff in Dragonflight was pilfered from that game, I can’t imagine them ignoring such a simple suggestion that would make things very convenient for the playerbase.

Thats bad, lots of coins ocupying space when they could simply put them in the coin menu.
Actually have 3 rows of free slots on my main’s backpack…