PvE to PvP Xfers

We have enough soft players who don’t belong on pvp servers we don’t need more. Know your role.

Completely agree, this should’ve been allowed a looooooong time ago since classic was relaunched. In regards to the old concerns blizz had, the way people are playing the game today is totally different. Plenty of people just spam instances and even buy carries in PVP servers…and even the “world first” 60 and 70 characters were on PVP servers. I think it’s necessary to allow people who want to transfer from PVE realms to PVP realms for the sake of the community. Some of these servers are dead, some people transferred or rolled a character on a PVE server with their friends who no longer play, and some people just want to be part of an active PVP community. And like you said, this would be another revenue stream for Blizzard-Activision.

Also quite ridiculous they allowed a 58 character boost but won’t allow a PVE to PVP transfer at the start of pre-patch. The 58 boost was never in old school TBC so if they’re trying to say they want to keep it as it was, they already ruined it lol. There was also inter-account transfers which of course they aren’t offering either. All opportunities for them to make more revenue and give the community what it wants. It’s crazy they’re not capitalizing on it.

I agree they should not allow pve to pvp and also take out the paid 58 boost.

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It’s to protect you from yourself. Someone like you wouldn’t last on a pvp server.

I made a centralized post about this to help get attention from Blizzard devs to implement by phase 2 launch (next week) hopefully. Please upvote/comment on this post:

it will be nice but people will transfer gold to pvp server and more people will get mad.

Get mad about what? Honestly just crappy excuses to not let this happen.

Segregation of the community is NOT something we need at the moment @Blizzard do you see this? Read this? Hear this?

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I agree with Relodis.

@Blizz, please do this…

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And ASAP. Please. Already. Do something about this.

I guess the 3 interns they have working on classic have been too busy working on Classic Fresh to do anything about TBC…

Must be. Crazy though, this is literally a one minute tweak on their part. Like such an easy change.

It’s honestly possible that they have this planned out, but for p3. I just don’t get what the harm would be in just doing it now instead of waiting.

There’s no harm in doing it now, only in waiting, as they lose more subs and lose more potential money from the transfers.

Not just losing potential profits from xfers, but losing subs of people who just flat out dont want to re-roll. I have 3 toons stuck on a pve server that I would love to play on my PVP server I currently play on. 2/3 are pretty geared and ssc / tk attuned. Thats hundreds of hours of work I put in that I refuse to put in again.

:snowflake: Easy Mode. :crazy_face: :smoking:

I would like to PVP on my PVP server, which has 0 alliance now. Please allow transfers thanks.

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Dam really? Which server are you on?

Sulfuras :frowning: