Put Slime Cat in LFR to screw over boosters

Show us that you care about combating boosting and RMTing by screwing over boosters in Season 4. Show us you care about more than just token sales.

The only reason you would even pretend to care about someone getting it through LFR is if you stand to make money off selling boosts. I don’t believe anyone actually truly cares about people getting Slime Cat through LFR who doesn’t have a financial incentive to care.


Where the dislike button at? If they dont care about token sales then they should just remove wow tokens as people wont have gold to buy boosts.


You are a booster, shoo.


If they wanted to sell Tokens for Boosts it wouldn’t come from Normal.

I boost content yes. But if you really want to fight against boosters. The right way is to remove wow tokens.


Y’know what would really screw over boosters and show that Blizzard cares?

Adding advertising boosts as a bannable offense under the TOS.



Better idea, make it mythic only and you have to live every single fight as well or lose all progress


So you can make more money boosting? Get out of here booster, nobody wants you in this game.


Statement is wrong. I dont make any money from the game. Only gold

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Uh huh suuuure :roll_eyes:

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I feel like they thought the design of shadowlands was going to encourage casuals to buy boosts to get gear to get into mythic+, raiding, and especially PvP. Actually, casuals didn’t buy that many boosts. They aren’t invested in the game and in winning like those who did, who were people who were partway there and could see exactly what boosts could get them, and of course, alts of boosters. What booster would grind up gear on an alt when they could just do a few more boosts to pay for them? And what noob would pay hundreds or even thousands of dollars for boosts when quitting to find a game that didn’t require that is a clear option?

This change is designed to get casuals to buy boosts to get the mount.


No, the way to fight boosters is to convince people to not buy.


But blizzard makes the money from boost sales…

You honestly think m+ mounts, slimecat etc being in a 2.5-3m long season is by accident? Its to sell tokens to boosters


Or just find groups that aren’t boosters and roll with them. They only exist because people buy. Don’t buy. Make your own groups.

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Is it really the boosters fault that people will pay them for a normal run?

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Yes, boosting should be against ToS

You don’t need to buy a token to get tons of gold in this game, that’s the difference

This forum sure has it out for boosters despite being their best customers. :eyes:

They don’t care about combating boosting. Boosting isn’t against any rules.

Do… do you honestly think anyone is going to be real money trading for NORMAL clears?

I get that you’re upset and you’re trying a new way to approach this whole cat thing, but this is absolutely not it.

Yes, and I know when it happens you will say “who cares, form your own group” and you won’t care at all when it does happen.