Purposefully neglecting feral?

I’ve been playing warrior, feral druid and survival hunter the last couple expansions. At least one of those classes is looking good for DF.


It’s not 4x bigger, but it does have substantially more nodes. Destruction has 39 nodes compared to Feral’s 33. A big part of that is Feral has a lot of 3-point nodes while Warlock has none. Plus since the Feral tree is significantly narrower, there’s a lot more talents that are required pickups before getting stuff further in the tree, including many of the aforementioned 3-point nodes.


Yeah that was just hyperbole. Its massive in comparison though


Did I miss something or am I reading Wowhead’s class change notes from yesterday right and there are changes for every class, BUT druid?


Nope you read that correctly. Clearly Druid is perfect and requires no changes.


I am glad my plans were already to wait for its release before deciding on if I would get it or not.

I am going to wait on final verdict to see if this is just a delay due to doing a massive make over. However, the cynicism of playing feral for 18 years tells me to not hold my breath.

On the plus side, Wrath is coming out in a couple of months and I loved feral then and in playing on the PTR, that feeling will remain.


Works both ways complete silence from all the feral feedback well if that’s the case I can purposefully vote with my wallet not that I want to do that I don’t I’m sure Dragon flight will be decent hopefully and I’m not one to change mains after all the work I had put into my druid.


I’ve finally figured it out! Our tree’s purpose is to make every other spec in the game feel better about theirs.

“Man, these talents are annoying, I got most of my stuff but not as much as I wanted.”

“Hey, at least it’s nowhere near as bad as feral’s choices!”

“Hey, you’re right! Thanks!”



Forever the support class putting others’ needs before our own. :neutral_face:

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New Blizzard has neglected and screwed over ferals for a very long time. Not surprised they aren’t getting any attention.


MAybe blizzard focuses on the most played classes first :frowning:

And I would be ok with that, but man do they ever need to say something to us lol.

Is that why the Druid tree was the first one out? :clown_face:

just throw it out there and never touch it again lol :crying_cat_face:


I agree, feral looks fun to play if blizz decided what it wanted it to be, they can just make two rows big bite and bleeds for days. I think that would still be fun to play as.


If only that were true.


No one at Blizzard has ever played Feral, right? I don’t know what the problem is
I don’t even look at the feedback, I feel stupid in addition to arrogance

Blizzard did not recognize its own mistakes at all, only endless ignorance and perfunctory

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New blizzard is to busy putting wokeness into their game that they won’t give feral’s decent trees.


How does the druid class person still have a job? It’s clear that beyond feral which is terrible and going to be even worse in dragonflight than it is in shadowlands, druid as a whole is severely lacking compared to many of the other classes who are designed by different developers, some who are even active on the class discords actually talking with theory crafters etc…to improve.

Again HOW does the person incharge of druid still have a job they have done a absolutely TERRIBLE job from what I’ve seen on the shadowlands talent tree and are not even talking with players about it.


If you believe the rumors… they don’t. The rumor is that the dev in charge of Druid and Priest quit and and that’s why both classes have been silent all this time.