Purple parsing ally rogue LFG

Hello! I’m currently a purple parsing (not a world beater, I know.) dagger rogue checking around for guilds that raid 8pm EST or later for the long term. I’d also strongly prefer to not join a system where I’d be waiting months to get anything due to exceptionally long trial runs/etc. Two weeks is fine, four weeks is just exploitation.

I’m currently exploring options just to see what’s out there. Logs on request (73 avg AQ40 and , but basically looking for a guild looking to clear content that can consistently field 40 people and snag those sweet world buffs. I’d consider myself a step below hardcore but I like to show up with world buffs, consumes, and be able to clear pretty quickly and consistently.

8/9 AQ experience. Logs on request/etc. and if you’re interested please leave some contact information and I’ll get in touch!

what server are you coming from as some are locked for transfers

Hey, Theloria! < Catalyst > on the Anathema (PVP) Server is currently looking for a couple more stellar melee. Our peak in BWL was a 34 min clear, and currently our server is still locked behind the AQ gates, working towards getting them open as fast as we can! Please send me a message on discord if you’re interested, my name is Zipit#7161. Hope to talk to ya more soon!


Hey! My guild is on Atiesh Alliance side, but we raid at 7 server time. We’re currently prepping ourselves to walk into AQ this weekend and see how we do, we have a good bunch of experienced players, but our numbers have dwindled a little in the past few months due to boredom/RL stuff. We’d love to hear from you though! I know we can’t link our discord info for the guild’s server, but feel free to add myself Vocifera#0254 if you are interested in talking more!

Here is our guild’s post if you are still LFG. You would need to server hop if you arent on Pagle however.

HMU on btag! Joni#1351 - My guild OwO is LFM DPS for our AQ40 progression 4/9 on pagle - We run wed/sun 8-11 EST and use DKP, trials are 2 weeks but you can still earn and spend dkp the moment you join us. More info on our discord - discord.gg/x6AAcG7

Still looking for a home? Blood Oath on Westfall is recruiting dagger rogues!

hello sir, are you looking for a fri/sat raiding guild? we raid late night (i don’t know if thats what you are looking for) but we have a good group of people and are on Herod [A]. discord contact is - Hashmeer#4466

Ragnarok is currently looking to recruit 1 melee dps to our core raid roster. Currently located on thunderfury it’s a healthy server with a 50:50 alliance/horde ratio. We are currently clearing all content throughout the week and have goals to be one the best guilds on our server. Please feel to reach out via discord.
