Purify Spirit @mouseover not working

I have the same syntax for all my mouseover macros. But for some reason Purify Spirit on my shaman doesn’t. Does anyone know why this might be?

/cast [@mouseover,exists][] Purify Spirit

// OR

/cast [@mouseover,exists]  Purify Spirit;  Purify Spirit
/cast [@mouseover,help][help][]Purify Spirit

I don’t see anything wrong with what you wrote, but that’s how I’d write it.

It should work.

The only thing that seems that might be messing with it is not being able to accurately tell if you’re moused over a friendly or hostile target in your testing.

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i was wondering about that. Thanks so much! I’ll def give it a go and update here <3

@Lodge that worked! Ty! I think it’s also something with my bindpad addon. I use that for my keybinds. It works on all other toons, but for some reason not my Shaman :stuck_out_tongue: When I put the macro on a button and press it, the mouseover works as intended now. Thanks again for the fast reply! <3

Had to make a ‘bindpad macro’. some reason it only works then :frowning:

pins are your friend :slight_smile: