Puppies or kittens which do you prefer?

Kitten. Duh.

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Iā€™ve seen a lot of tiktoks with kitties lately so probably kittens. Though, I love my little big bear Newfoundland puppy at home despite him getting into my food. So, both.

I imagine werewolves would just eat the puppies and kittens.

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I could listen to Huskies ā€œtalkā€ all day. And would prefer that over the largely inane conversation my fellow humans offer.

Not all humans, of course. But a lot of them.


Iā€™m more used to cats than dogs so I definitely go with kittens but Iā€™m sure if I was less scared of dogs then Puppies would be even with them.

Husky puppies are land sharks. I have 2 Siberian Huskies. When my 1st was a puppy I was bruised for months! I couldnā€™t cuddle her, or pet her, all she did was BITE ME. It was a year long nigtmare! Thankfully sheā€™s 5 now and way way better, and her sister is 4. But jeez, husky puppies are only for the strong.

That said, I currently have a demon kitten who ruins the house so as much as I used to be a huge kitten fan, I think only adopting older cats in the future. Getting too old for this.


Iā€™m a cat person cursed with cat allergies.

Thankfully puppies are still cute and I can snuggle. I can be around cats for a little bit but I have to scrub the dander off my hands / forearms after awhile

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I donā€™t want any more petsā€¦ they donā€™t live long enough and I donā€™t wanna be heartbroken when they pass or need to be put down due to suffering.

I was thinking more like:


Puppies and kittens are a burden you put up with before you have a good, reliable companion. Theyā€™re all the worst parts of having an animal and survive exclusively because theyā€™re adorable.

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Iā€™m alergic to kittens, so Iā€™m puppies for life. Mines name is Sassy. Never let your 9yo niece name your dog. I wanted to call her Goober but I was out voted.



Puppies donā€™t like Cats still got a scar from where a cat cut my wrist trying to get at a poor bird that had accidentally flown inside.

And speak of the devil just looked to the left after catching something out of the corner of my eye and heā€™s currently sitting on a chair in the lounge room where heā€™s not supposed to beā€¦ explains why my nose was feeling wierd.

Call the dog whatever you like. My dog has a name, but I typically call him by clicking. As far as heā€™s concerned his name is a series of clicks.

His name is just for likeā€¦veterinary purposes, lol.

Baby cats are called kittens.

Baby dogs are called puppies.

How come baby snakes are still called baby snakes? Why donā€™t they get a special baby name?

Snake hatchling are called snakelets.

I believe there is more dark meat on a puppy.


Kittens taste better. Puppies are too much like cannibalism.