Punish M+ Leavers

hehe this made me chuckle, thanks xD

Everyday a battle :face_with_peeking_eye:. She ignores pinecones and spray, she must think it’s a challenge now :joy:


I rarely got leavers in early keys when I started. Have you noticed any other players do poorly/ not know the mechanics? That’s when I leave normally. Wiping multiple times because someone messes up the mechanics is leave worthy, MDI material or not. The amount of times I have done atal’dazar and people not know the totem mechanics is insane.

Its mostly peoppe complaining others arent geared in lower keys lol. Just that day had 3 people leave because others were 425ish ilvl. For a 2 is fine. I was tanking 6s on my 432 prot warrior.

Context matters.

  • They could have had an emergency at home that prompt them to have to leave.
  • They could have been just to stressed out over how the PUG was playing, ie pulling extra mobs, taking extra dmg, players not understanding dungeon mechanics.
  • Everyone could have been rude to the player.

Understand that while you may feel your time was wasted. They could equally feel the same. While you are considering a punishment for people leaving, it could already be a punishment for them to stay and deal with bad players. Lets be real. Some of you do not know the mechanics, wish to learn the mechanics or care about the dungeons mechanics. Which leads to frequent deaths and an overall bad experience for other players.

The truth is if Blizz put in a system that punishes people when they leave keys, PUG participation will quickly shrink.

If you don’t want players leaving your key. Learn the dungeons mechanics and quit acting like this is your first day playing WoW.

Typically the only time I will leave a key - insanely low dps.

Talking about no one doing above 100k in a 17 kind of level of bad dps…

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Because it could be abused.

Start a community that rates players, then you can blacklist bad manners players. Used a community similar to that for CM dungeon runs back in the day in MoP and WoD.

Same, that too…

I didn’t used to auto leave those groups…

But they never end well.

Too many dungeons get harder the longer the fight goes on. You need a baseline dps of 100k dps.

Even then… I probably wouldn’t leave a group if there was a single person struggling.

It’s the key holders responsibility and risk. Blizz never stated that the key will be completed.

…damn, you’re generous.

My attitude - as long as you can +1 it still it’s ok - even with less than optimal numbers

Sure, but even in a 17 if I see 100K overall I’m squinting real hard and hoping it’s my eyes that are damaged.

lol. Fair enough.

The only time I really loose my patience though is when multiple dps are below the tank (non augmentation).

He doesnt want to blacklist himself lol

“abused” how? I was pretty specific with the requirements, I dont see how this would open any abuse up.

If you’re the keyholder and you leave, it depletes.
If you’re NOT the keyholder and a party member leaves the key, then not completing it doesn’t deplete it.
Obvi if the party stays together and doesn’t time it, it still depletes

Again, if they did this, it would nip these complaints in the bud.

As far as punishing leavers? I’m mixed on this, there are times when I think a punishment is appropriate (non-key-holders leaving a key that has plenty of time still on it, thereby screwing the keyholder over)
But other times, I think it’s fine. I’ve left keys when I see the same stupid mistakes being made pull after pull and no one responds when I ask why or for them to knock it off (and it happens again) OR if someone gets mouthy and starts ordering me around like I’m their gardener. You can yell at the wind, buddy.

Party Leader : “Hey guys, looks like we arent going to time it. I need someone to leave so my key doesnt deplete”

Rest of Group : “But we still want completion for loot?”

Party Leader : “Ok, well I am not pulling anymore. So someone should just leave”

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If that’s your only example…then…time it?
I have to be honest, that scenario seems super unlikely to ever be common.

The only extra thing people should get from timing dungeons is the extra piece of loot for 2-3 chesting a key.
The crests should stay the same. I’ve already said this before, this also could reduce leavers.

That’s awesome. Thanks for sharing. Surprised no hearts on this.