Punish M+ Leavers

I think that if they want to make a queue option for M+ they should and they can punish leavers there. Id look forward to seeing how that goes.

The worst part is that everyone gets punished EXCEPT the person who screwed everyone.

Unless one of those people who didn’t leave is the cause of people leaving.

I don’t carry people for free.

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With the exception of the keyholder, the person who leaves had exactly as much of their time wasted as everyone else.

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I’m sure there’s another side to this story that’s being withheld, although I don’t leave a key if it’s going to be timed.

Nah. No one should have to waste their time if they get a feel early on (or at any point in the run) that it’s not going to go well.

This isn’t a player problem. It’s a problem created by the devs with the design.

Instead of asking them to punish players, maybe ask for them to stop making the game so punishing :slight_smile:

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*dps didnt take a cc on incorp week"

“OMG there’s a fire in my apartment!”

this would eventually turn into the same system. you will not hold people hostage in a bad group.

Unlikely to happen that often, so if you could see they left 80 keys they are probably lying. If they have left 2 keys maybe its the truth.

If the only thing which changed was seeing a log of keys abandoned, I assume the only people against this would be those who routinely abandon keys because they dont care about the inconvenience it causes others?

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This isn’t a job. People can leave whenever they want, for whatever reason they want and it doesn’t have to be an emergency.

You don’t have to join communities out side of the game to have a smooth run, even with mistakes, but it is the best optionn for you if you want to ensure that your keys are not depleted for leavers.

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Then you know exactly who not to invite next time.

I think it’s definitely part wanting to vent and also part social anxiety.

I once tried running pug +2s looking for the most inexperienced or nervous players I could find. I tried to be as friendly and open as possible in my group description.

I did get I think 2 or 3 people who were very thankful and I guided them through in the most positive manner I could and encouraged them to reach out of they needed anything. They said they would, but never did. I can only conclude their nerves got the better of them and they thought “oh he didn’t mean it” or “oh… I don’t want to bother him”.

If anything, most of my applicants were big boy pumpers who whispered me encouragement for what I was doing and wanted to help carry. So if you needed to restore some hope in the community there it is.

One of the newer players did share their experiences and social blocks and we talked about it, but I never saw them online again (probably showing as offline while playing).

I think this often confuses those who need the help. Helpful players exist. great players are some of the most helpful and nice people I’ve ever met. Like world first quality or just your local server mythic raider.

However, while they do like to help; they may not always feel like it, and; it’s respectful to ask politely if they’re willing and not just go in blind and hope you don’t fail every mechanic.

Generally, though, if they offer help or to run you through something; they mean it! Take them up on it! A lot of them might enjoy the easy content as a break from the hard content! If someone offers you help and know what to expect, take it and you can both go have some fun. I have friends that clear cutting edge and I have friends that collect mounts and run queued content. I enjoy time with both ends.

Setting expectations and communicating are the most important skills for pugging. Pumping numbers is (while important) below that. I’ll take the group I had in a 15 last night talking about pizzas and bantering about my monk falling off the map in Fall “because your monk is too heavy for the golden serpent” when running through one of the portals failed me over one with insane dps but we’re one disagreement away from a shouting match (pretty rare though tbh)

For the record I’ve only left two keys this season. Both were Rise keys where I gave the group 3 wipes and detailed mechanic explanations for the first boss, Tyr, and they failed to show improvement (no soaking with tank, no orb eating, shock waving mid, standing behind me for slam) I was honest and said this wasn’t working, explained why I was leaving and left.

I’ve only had one key just up and leave on me when the first two big pulls in EB went sour. I was a little upset, but a silent abandon was probably the best result if you consider the alternatives.


When someone tells me about the time someone left “for no reason” or “after one mistake” I know that it’s generally almost never the case.

The actual explanation is the experience level of those in the group varies so much that the ones making the mistakes don’t actually understand what they did wrong or even that a mistake was made.

The ones upset or leaving are generally the players who are more experienced and know exactly what you did wrong and why that might be a problem or indicate such inexperience that could cause the rest of the run to be not worth it.

For example, a +5 runner won’t know that X spell or mechanic is important because it’s just one flash heal for the healer.

A +10 runner might not know that this trash pack will need cds because its just an extra 10-20 seconds for his group

A +15 runner might not know to pull the boss to a specific spot because to him the platform never completely fills up.

A +20 runner might not know that you can glitch a certain mob out to skip it because it takes half as long as a boss to kill, because for him it’s just 1 extra minute on his already lenient timer.

So on and so forth. I’m not an expert on everything. I’m running 15-20s at the moment and for the most part they go great. Rarely they don’t.

If you showed my game play to a +25 player he could do a 60min video breaking down what I did right and wrong in a 30min dungeon.

If that same guy running 25s showed his gameplay to the guys running 30s he would get feedback on what to improve, too. There wouldn’t be as many mistakes as me but I bet there’d be plenty to learn.


leaving should be 100% allowed, if you have clowns that cant cc incorporeal then i should be allowed to leave =D

Every random feels they are mdi material just held back because they cant find a static group. Its ridiculius. Doing 2s to 6s last night on alts and the amount of quitters because people werent 465+ ilvl and not fully geared/enchanted was hillarious.

I mean, why not just NOT have the key deplete then IF someone leaves while it’s still going on? Wouldn’t that nip these complaints in the bud?

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If you think most people are ok with this you have not been reading. Most people are grown ups that understand that this is just part of the risk you take when you group with unknown people; just like they are taking a risk grouping with you if they don’t know you. If someone has toxic behavior, I’m not staying. If after a few pulls it is evident that nobody is handling affixes, I’m leaving. Someone keeps getting one shot by avoidable damage and flames me as a healer? Leaving. Mistakes get made all the time, that’s fine. Nobody is perfect, but if it looks like the run is going to be pure torture because people are rude or absolutely can’t play the game, I’m not suffering through it.

I’m on two m+ groups and have a friends list full of others I run keys with. I have never looked outside the game for anyone. I pugged and had successful groups and made friends with them.

There you go…

I refuse to be held hostage in groups by hard carries.