Punish M+ Leavers

Stated here

How do you verify if someone has an emergency vs just leaves due to a bad group?

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They aren’t. It’s just bad players like the OP that blame leavers for their lack of success

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Someone might say, “Sorry guys, baby aggro” or “OMG theres a fire in my apartment” at which point they need to leave. If someone disconnects and doesn’t return then we should just assume it was an honest disconnect that cannot be remedied.

You really can’t separate out the “bad” leavers from everyone else.

So you’d also end up punishing people for having their internet go out or having real life things come up.

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It’s true, there is no perfect justice system.

OP; “let me solve a problem that’s not actually a problem. I just want to blame it as why I’m stuck doing 12s”

Maybe doing nothing would be healthier for the game than going out of their way to punish players?

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The solution is actually pretty easy. Stop pugging.

You’ve likely run dozens of successful keys at this point. If you’ve not attempted to build social connections with these people and create an actual network of consistent, solid, players so that you aren’t constantly rolling the dice on whether or not a key is successful, then you have to sleep in the bed you’ve made.


Doubtful. If your argument is to abolish all justice systems bc they aren’t perfect so we shouldn’t even have them then go ahead.

Give me a system that would accomplish this that nether creates more problems than it solves, nor is so trivially abuseable/bypassable that it might as well not exist.

Lmao, is that what I said?

What’s funny is that OP makes this system.

Now people will just sit and afk. They didn’t leave but you can’t force people to participate.

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First thing that came to my mind. Then what, you report them for gameplay sabotage for the group they aren’t allowed to leave?

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This has been on my mind for awhile. What you are saying is true, in theory, but reality doesn’t work that way. It’s like school growing up out there. What if one doesn’t have great social skills? Usually you don’t know what others, that are long time friends, are talking about. You can’t force your way into a group even if you’re in their guild or discord.

I notice the people that make it know how to say things just right - either with humor, or cuteness, or smarts about the game. They also have time to be on the channel or game at the same time as others.

I’m not complaining. I’ve learned to accept my shortcomings socializing a long time ago. I’m good when helping others, and volunteering irl helps. But a lot of people just can’t meet the criteria a guild or discord expects out of them.

People like cliques, and I don’t necessarily mean that in a bad way - it’s just how it works. Cliques bring comfort and belonging, (and teasing) and fun. If you join and try to say something, get ignored, or rather read from the sidelines eventually you realize you have nothing to give, and it’s not worth watching others (though at first you do to learn about them so you can be an addition, but eventually just realize you don’t fit - even with the nicest group.)

If you are an awkward speaker in a group or sound forced it’s sensed - and usually … just someone ends up feeling bad. Putting oneself out there for as many years has I’ve tried has proven it doesn’t work well. I get embarrassed easily, feel like I put my foot in my mouth and say the wrong thing…it is what it is. I don’t feel sorry for myself - I do for others who haven’t figured out it doesn’t mean sh-- if you feel good about yourself and make others happy irl.

Someday I’d like a list of what an old guild or discord expects from someone new.

All of that said, and like I said earlier, if one can’t meet this criteria, or has gotten old enough and wise enough to know when to stop trying then they have to deal with the consequences of pugging.

It’s really nice that you have done that, and I have had someone do that for me as well. It’s very kind. I just dislike the pat answer of “find a guild or discord” because it really isn’t that simple with real human beings with real hearts, minds, and feelings.

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I don’t need to spend 30 minutes on Triad to know the key isn’t getting done.

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…what maniac feels the need to inform the random strangers in their group that their house is burning down rather than just leave? Lmao, the delusion.

“Sorry guys, gotta go, an intruder is currently trying to stab me, don’t forget to like, comment and commend. Peace.”


This is where a big part of the anger about people leaving comes from.

A lot of people want to finish the dungeon for the loot at the end or to fill the vault slot. Both of those things still happen even if you don’t time the key.

Other people may be only playing for score and don’t care about the drops/ have already filled their vault.

Throw those two types of people into the same group and the ones who are trying to fill their vault get upset about the guy who bails at the last boss just because the timer went over. To them you just wasted 40 minutes by bailing right at the final boss.


I can’t believe no one left a key I was in recently. The probably looked at me and thought… why… why do I even bother with fools like Padgarre!

So as long as I make up a lie, I dont get punished. Awseome.