Punish M+ Leavers

I’m sorry you don’t like facts and wanted this to be an echo chamber where other bad players agree with you.

You don’t get to force someone to stay or punish someone for leaving your key

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Yes it is, it is your idea.

Your idea is that the keyholder only has the ability to call the run and the non keyholders can’t leave the key unless the keyholder calls it, if the key holder doesn’t call it when the run is in the trash right now, your just holding people who just want to leave a dead run hostage.

With your idea, I can assemble the group as I’m the keyholder, your coming with me, I will invite the low skilled players and it will involve blood sweat and tears since because you can’t even leave unless the keyholder calls it, were going to spend 2+ hours, we go on longer than that.

It just shows how bad this idea is.

But it doesn’t mean I should stay in a dead run that isn’t going nowhere.

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No. Its unfortunate. But no system has been suggested that couldnt be easily abused towards people that dont deserve it.

While complaining about someone leaving your group in a video game.

But what if it wasnt the first sign of bumps that led you to leave?

What if it was the 10th sign?

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You can’t force someone to finish something they don’t want to

I will leave keys for the following reasons

  1. RL - stuff happens
  2. I don’t enjoy or am annoyed/offended by the company
  3. Key is unlike to time (my time is valuable)
  4. Noticeably bad or repeated instances of poor play

With all that said, I would advise all involved exercise a bit of restraint when there are issues

Gg and move on


No, I think the limit ought to be the timer for each key

I love how so many people are against making friends n running with people you know.
I mean some people don’t have time to make friends…other people don’t have time to stay in a key with some hot garbage

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And what icon are you giving to the person who was publicly harassing them? or the person who was doing sub tank dps? Are you going to icon up the healer who kept letting people die or no, just the person who didn’t want to put up with whatever behavior caused them to leave in the first place?


That sucks. But again that’s the pug life. Comes with it’s ups and downs.

Imagine for a moment that instead of leaving because they’re a jerk, they left because a mythic raid spot opened and they’ve been waiting months for such a chance. Would that be excusable? Or if something happens in real life?

Leaving randoms and bgs already has a punishment and it really isn’t a deterrent. When I bail on a bg I have no desire to bg again for a while anyway.

So whatever punishment you think of has to be severe enough but also reasonable to account for legit reasons to leave. In other words a fair punishment system that also sufficiently deters such behavior seems virtually impossible.

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Am I off my rocker here? I really feel like “leavers” are not a big deal in keys. Maybe it’s because at the level of key I’m running it’s just not that common, or when when someone does drop, it’s usually because the key is completely bricked.

I’ve seen one person leave a key this whole season and it was entirely understandable.


I think that we play a vastly different game (or at least, play the game differently) than the people who are often complaining about leavers.

I’m saying that without snark or any ill intent.

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They arent. While unfortunate their existence is overexaggerated.

And people that run into them constantly…well. I have other questions.


What if someone documented every leaver and it turned out it was always unreasonable and bricked an otherwise timeable key?

what if pigs could fly?

There is no way to verify the reason every single person left your group.

There should just be a early leave vs completed runs ration. People that leave infrequently for things out of their control will have a much higher completion vs leave ratio compared to people that leave after one wipe. Way back in the day when I played Street Fighter competitively there was a “disconnect” ratio when people joined your lobby. Usually ken/ryu players that hadouken/shoryuken spam would pull the plug on their internet if they were losing so they wont have a loss on their record, but they would have an insanely high disconnect ratio. It wont eliminate leavers, but it’ll point out who is more likely to leave beforehand.

You’re right it gets tricky. I’ve broken down better systems in the past. It’s just a pain in the rear to type that all out only to get heckled or ignored in the long run.

I admit I went for the joke of a solution. Simply because some people do actuality deserve it.

You are right, it’s not everyone. But there are some…… oh there are some that need it.

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Not even willing to engage with a hypothetical. It says a lot

What if I had a meteor the size of a football field land on my house while doing a m+ key. Would I be allowed to leave the group while I fought off the space aliens without getting punished? I would want to do more M+ later that night after I quickly rebuilt my house by hand and set up and space laser defenses again.


It’s been addressed. Scroll up

Where was this scenario addressed? Specifically.

I cant wait for the timer to expire before leaving. I need to leave right this second and not get punished. I dont even have time to say anything.