Punish M+ Leavers

Not worth doing 2 hour no leaver keys. Better to cut losses, and start a new. (At +20)

Idk some of the best times I’ve had were Cata Heroics that lasted an hour or longer. Good times man!

It depends on what else is out there. 2 hour no leaver keys were fun when +20 is exclusive (like week 1/2 /3)

But now? time or quit.

+20 ruby life pools lasted for over an hour

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Key is failing. Leader kicks someone.

Key doesn’t drop a level and they reunified and try again.

You have a group that’s pushing a key and realize they aren’t going to time. Someone leaves and they rejoin to try again.

These complaints are made by people who are making such major mistakes that people are refusing to carry them. People don’t leave good keys and people leaving keys isn’t this big common thing these people pretend it is.

There is zero scenarios where someone should be punished for leaving a key group.

Okay that one I agree with. I’d prob toss my computer out the window cause that dungeon was boring as hell.

nah I enjoyed ruby life pools for over an hour on week 3. (or was it 4.) It depends on how exclusive +20 is.

At that time, it was rather exclusive.

Now? it’s common place.

You’re gonna need to bring that up with Blizzard, it isn’t like I -want- glacial spike to root, but I can’t just…not run it, ya know?

Or start actively griefing the key in ways the system wouldn’t be able to distinguish between, like body pulling extra packs

You will learn that it is common to leave keys at higher levels pass 20 +. People do it for score so if they aren’t getting any they leave. Is a common rule.

Also I leave keys too after a wipe or two with the same mistake because people fail mechanics. I usually tell them why we wipe and if try again people got to do mechanics.

But around +11 to +16 you get the worse of the players because they don’t understand the mechanics and refuse to learn.

This I don’t understand. Why are people that are trying to push IO score above +20s pugging? I would think those that want to take it much more seriously would be organizing solid teams to do so.

I mean if not you’re your own worst enemy not the person that left.

Shoo low post alt.

why not?

I sometimes don’t have enough guildies on
The people that are on aren’t up to running over 20
maybe someone doesn’t feel like doing a dungeon

for wahtever reason we need a person or two.

it’s entirely possible to pug people for keys above 20, you just have to vet carefully. Sometimes they’re great, sometimes they’re awful, that’s just how it goes.


As I said in this case, then there’s no reason to complain about it. People know they are taking a risk one way or another so of course the key might fail. This is an unsolvable issue.

Why should someone be held hostage to a key they are not enjoying for your sake?

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This really is the solution…Nobody wants to admit it though

Friend, the people whining about leavers in LFR aren’t the people doing 20+ keys

it’s the people bricking +12 keys.

I’m confident that the majority of people doing keys above 20 understand why some people leave when it is apparent the key wont’ be timed, because the only thing we’re there for is time.


such is life , i prefer this problem than being stuck in a toxic run.

Well again then that’s just part of PuGing and not much Blizzard can do. They could try some ideas but they’ll probably be abused by bad actors.

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Then pretty much everyone who does keys over 23 would have that half the time, because they aren’t doing it for loot at that point. Or for vault. Just for rating so why would they care?

And on day one you’d have people competing for worlds highest count and bricking keys on purpose, making it worse.

People pug above 20s all the time.