Punish M+ Leavers


The entire issue of M+ leavers isnt common to begin with. Its grossly over exaggerated. Lets not start suddenly being realistic now about scenarios being likely.

I seem to remember a blue post not too long ago, saying that Bliz is aware of player concerns in this regard and want to alleviate it, but it didn’t say anything about any plans they have.

There’s been tons of threads like this one where similar suggestions have been made, but none of them would be effective.

…up to a point. If you joint a group that seemed like it might be able to complete the +15 key and you end up with 67 deaths before even making it to the first boss… I’d worry that completing it at all might be impossible.

Do you play a lotta frost mage or something? I’m trying to think about any other spec that actually matters for nowadays.

Why DPS leaves: they have to carry another DPS and the boss pulls are obviously dragging along because of it. (this happened last night)

Why a healer leaves: the run is over whelming to heal, deaths are wracking up or you get told to “heal” even though you aren’t the reason you’re wiping is because of no interrupts. (happened last night also)

Why a tank leaves: gets butt hurt over something or keeps dying. I rarely see tanks leave though, it’s usually a D/C or ninja log.

As a DK Tank, Frost Mages deserve every bad experience they get for the amount of times they’ve screwed up grips due to their freezes.

Also I got removed from a key at the very end. Someone goes, “heh heh, how do you die on this boss?” and then they remove me and the Evoker. I look at the overall damage and the Evoker was beating the guy who removed us lmao, he was on bottom by a lot. Which makes sense that the keyholder is bottom DPS, they lookin to get carried.

Join a guild.

It’s an MMO.

Make friends. Socialise.

If you choose to be a solo player but rely on people for m+ then you get what you deserve.

Play the game as intended or don’t play

I think you contradicted yourself there bud. You aren’t choosing to be a solo player if you do M+ lol.

It was intended to only be played with guilds and friends? Really now? Where is your source on that?

I just had someone leave on the 3rd boss of a dungeon after a dps accidentally pulled while we were clearing trash. We had 24+ minutes left which is plenty of time but someone in the group said in chat “Bad tank is bad” and left the group.

I would leave too more than likely.

Walk in front of it, pick it up. It’s a +12.

Have left similar keys before, and also left a Murozond’s Rise because the tank decided to afk in front of the siege tank mob. I pulled it as the healer, and died.

There was no warning in chat, he just… sat there, doing nothing.

The one tank that didn’t pick up the third boss, also moved out of melee range after a wipe. (Waycrest.)

Well… Now that glacial fragments aren’t a thing anymore, I have retired from my mage. But I used to legit rage quit keys when tanks constantly moved mobs out of my blizzard when glacial fragments was a thing.

Ele sham :pensive:

Yes. I forgot about that one :frowning:

Guild groups.

Someone failed mechanic - people leave - we form. No punishment. No key depletion.

Keep trying till you get it right

“I want to hold people hostage in my own key to make them suffer” ~ OP summarized

Lol people really do be getting mad over a two chest key. There is nothing you can do to make these losers stop raging.

Do you guys play the way I do? I join a random key with random affixes I know almost nothing about and learn the dungeon and the affixes as I go. If I die it’s just part of the learning experience.

Apparently this is the ultimate evil in WoW. Not allowed to enter endgame without knowing everything about it before you enter, thus the key leavers. But for me it makes the game way more fun.

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You can do that and leave keys when it isn’t going to be timed.

Make a guild and only invite people who perform the way you want them to.

Problem solved


I mean if it’s a +20 and we don’t time it but finish it we still get vault loot anyway. The only people that should be freaking out about key leavers are prob the pushers for +21 and up that want their name on the leaderboard.

But I mean by then they’d hopefully have a team for that and not PuG it o.O