
I would love it if more people joined a guild, I honestly think its the better way to play. But some people don’t, for one reason or another, and that fine.

Not to mention all you did was put your foot down and say “well my way to play the game is the way its suppose to be played” Which is ridiculous on its head when millions of people play the game in their own unique way.

Third, all you did was dodge the argument, because you know yours is flawed. Stating matter-of-factly that “this is the way to play the game so I’m right”
Isn’t an argument for why covenants should have their abilities locked.


This. I don’t think there is a good argument for why their abilities should be locked. That design fits classic but it doesn’t fit retail.


That’s a non-sequitur. That’s not how I will enjoy playing. I want to do heroic raiding, that that isn’t a viable option if the ripcord is pulled. It shifts the onus on to the player to balance themselves out, rather than balancing the classes/talents/specs. I would rather that was on Blizzard to balance, or get rid of it.

So we’re at an impasse of opinions. I don’t want to have another (IMO meaningless) system, you want all the choices. Neither is really wrong. But the one that satisfies both min/maxing and more casual play is to not have any borrowed power system.

You literately don’t have to, just say you won’t do it and move on with your day.

So how does locking the abilities to covenants prevent this? It’s still happening, now people are torn between the covenant they like and the ability they like or feel they need to be the most useful to their group.

It will have no different effect on you if the abilities are unlocked or locked. If you want 1 covenant with 1 ability and refuse to change, good on ya. Hope you enjoy your time.


I didn’t dodge the argument. Why are you designing a social game around single player pugs?! But instead of using the tools that are already in the game, let’s once again have the game adapt around the player because single players trump Guilds.

You don’t need to unlock abilities when the fix is already in the game.

Heroic isn’t a viable option is the ripcord is pulled? Please elaborate on this I’m begging you.

Blizzard can’t balance classes/talent/specs anyway.

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This coming from the same lightbulb that thinks Flavor of the Month specs are hard.

You do realize locking covenants helps more with single player mentality where as pulling the ripcord gives people options to help their team more

What are you even talking about?

Unlocking the covenant abilities will have literally no effect on you.

Swap or dont.

Making things more accesible to all players helps solo and guild players.
The opposite just hurts solo players more and have negligable effects on any one in a guild.

Pugs, yes. Guilds not really.

As it should be. Proof that the ripcord should not be pulled. The solution is already in the game.

I don’t I’ve been playing rsurv or mm for years on this exact toon and I don’t intend on changing for anyone.

I’ll just continue to push for Blizz to stop treating us like red headed step children.

So because I have a guild, the gameplay conflicting with RP is somehow magically gone?

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So you want to force people to play the game your way, and dont really care how it affects them, got it.

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You can’t ignore the solution to the problem that’s already in game, and say the only solution is the Ripcord.

That’s a flat lie.

Single players should not trump Guilds. This is an MMORPG, the social aspect should be important.

RP is super subjective and I can’t really argue a case because there’s nothing objective there.

The onus will be on the player to switch covenants to the extent they need to for the content they want to and are capable of doing. And that system is meaningless if you need to switch it. To me, it would be like a minor form of switching classes. If you could switch classes per-fight, you could perform far better, but it would make classes meaningless. So what real added value does it have at that point in terms of fun? I would argue very little for most people.

I mean how much fun do you have switching talents per-fight? It is just a shared talent selection for all classes at that point.

Yes guilds because it is telling your friends and I do consider my guildies friends . Seeing how we have had actual rl guild get togethers that you are there for the team .

Now I know these people don’t expect it from me or me from them but I still like to hold myself personally to a higher standard and will do everything I can to benefit my team

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This ain’t a solution, just because it has a “lesser” effect on guilds doesn’t mean its still not a problem

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But if you’re in a Guild the choices don’t really affect you until cutting-edge content, but then you and your Guild are already in that mode to begin with.

A total non-issue.

I mean… you can swap specs willy nilly so your point is kinda of moot.

Not to mentions, your missing the part where if you dont have the covenant they want, now you just wont be invited, instead of having the choice to change and compleat the content.

Sure people wont “expect you” to swap, but now you just wont be invited to content as often.