
The whole #PullTheRipCord is based around someone who has zero idea what Flavor of the Month is and why the easiest way shouldn’t be made easier.

Are people even considering what a waste are all those resources being sinked into temporary systems?

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Yeah man, keep classes feeling not fun to play and keep patching up expansion by expansion with rental systems.

That’s how you keep a game fresh!


Sonechka, I want you to be aware I never actually put Aneris on ignore.

You’re the first person ever who’s been added to ignore. I actually can’t stand reading your replies anymore they are so detached from reality.



That goal post shift, tho. Maybe Perky Pugs can charity up some time to teach you what Flavor of the Month means.

And charity up a spine, apparently.

Aah so you were just explaining your experience? I get it.

So it’s wrong? It’s merely the data from the top parses.

Now another perspective: Most players aren’t mythic raiders. Those players should be able to enjoy the game as well. With covenant switching, it adds a layer of inconvenience on an already annoying system. More players will lose if switching is allowed, because it will shift the onus to the player to do more, rather than the onus being on blizzard to balance them.

I am against #pulltheripcord because it would make the game less fun for most players. A better alternative would be to land the damn plane an get rid of the system, if balancing is not an option.

I don’t want another knob on top of talents I need to manage. I think it would be preferable to have a single best option (for min/maxing, high skill players), or have them balanced so the choice doesn’t matter. Balancing via soulbinds could work as well.

Would love to see any kind of information for this point here.

I am curious how much research you’ve done into covenants because you seem to be misinformed. Blizzard has not been able to balance single one of the rental power systems they introduced in BFA. Why are you giving them the benefit of the doubt, again?

Great news for you, swtiching is allowed. You can literally still switch covenants.

So because you don’t want to put in the extra effort of changing talents, everyone else should have the option removed?

Thank god you speak for most players huh?

If when they pull the ripcord, you can still continue to play sub optimally, nobody is stopping you just how nobody is stopping you from playing MM in BFA.


So being able to use all 4 of the new abilities they made for your class is less fun?

That’s literally not going to change anything, you assume people will just accept players as they are for the covenant choice because they can’t change.
We’ve said this time and time again, they just won’t invite them, instead of having a choice and still being able to do the content now you have no choice and are stuck being rejected again and again till someone is nice enough to not care.


Join a guild then.

I am in a guild, not talking about me.

I realize that, but the remedy for that problem is already in game. There’s no reason to change it for pugs.

You heard it here first Boys and Girls, Sonachka doesn’t care, shes already apart of a group, and nothing will affect her, so your enjoyment of the game doesn’t matter as long as you play her way.


Yeah, that sounds about right.

Also she does PvP but also has already written off PvP in shadowlands because it’s garbage and you shouldn’t engage with it.

I have as much data on this opinion as you do on the opposite.

I don’t think they can perfectly balance them. But I think having to switch them per-fight is an annoyance most players won’t want, in the long term. It will just be another annoying system.

Sorry, for clarity, at-will switching. The basis of #pulltheripcord.

It’s not effort, it’s annoyance. Having to figure out which is best per-fight is not fun for me.

Nope, just my opinion. Though I don’t think a lot of players are looking forward to another meaningless decision.

Yes, and it will be another checkbox before readycheck. WHEEEEEE! What a fun and interesting checkbox!

Just going to circle around to the obvious point of choices can be meaningful without power being locked behind it.

There are a thousand different ways they could have made it more meaningful and they chose the laziest route possible to try and shoehorn in it’s meaningful.

If you can still swap, it’s not meaningful. Just because it’s time-gated doesn’t mean it’s meaningful.

Sounds like you should be beating on a drum to have them locked permanently. Now that’s meaningful.

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This is a social game designed around Guilds. Why would you not encourage people to join guilds? You’re playing an MMORPG…

I don’t get this single player mentality…

Having to switch between 4 covenants is annoying to me, yes. Unless they pruned abilities. Because 21+ buttons as it is sucks. I would rather have no new abilities.

This is the same problem for class/spec. For example, tank tier lists. Spec-specific gear. Adding another system is not something I would enjoy.

Absolutely nothing is forcing you to gather multiple sets of gear or change talents if you don’t when the covenants are opened up.

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Right, which means removing any power associated with covenants. Or allow at-will class changes. Because who wants a DPS who isn’t a fire mage?

That’s going to happen anyway, at least you had the option to change spec currently.

If a group doesn’t want a frost mage, that’s up to him. Make your own key as a frost mage.


  1. Can you play fire? We don’t want frost
  2. No i can’t
  3. You’re not invited to the group


  1. Can you play fire? We don’t want frost
  2. Yes i can but I’m not very good
  3. You’re invited to the group

My god, a Mythic Raider defending pugs…