
Fixed that for you.

The problem with these borrowed power systems is adapting to the game and playing to the best of your characters potential in different content equates to having multiple versions of the same character…that’s a no from me dawg.

I was lucky in Legion and got Skullflowers the first week it was added to the game. One of my oldest WoW friends had 3 of the worst Legendary drops for his Paladin and quit on the spot after that 3rd drop. I guess he could of just levelled a new Paladin like so many other players did to get more chances…or hey he could of just slogged through feeling like trash with trash legendary pieces and waited for the final patch for them to finally remedy the problem of RNG legendary drops feeling like crap. Instead he quit and will probably never return while systems like these remain.

DK is my favourite class. I pretty much only put effort into keeping this one current with gear for fun. I primarily do PvE content because my days of caring about topping 2000+ rating in the Arena are behind me. If I do play any PvP it’s probably just a random BG here or there.

Will I be able to play as a Night Fae(the objectively best DK covenant currently)? Yes, will I enjoy it as much when every other DK is doing cool stuff with Abomination Limb? Hell no. It’s going to feel crappy knowing a really awesome PvP skill exists and the only way for me to use it effectively is dropping my PvE progress and grinding a new soulbind.

Then if I want to go back I’ve got to wait a few days for World Quests? I’m not a masochist. One of the biggest draws of WoW in Vanilla was the lack of punishment compared to a game like EQ. It was a revelation when you died not being punished with a loss of EXP.

I play games to have fun, not to feel punished having to choose a skill that works better for one form of content vs another. Truthfully I’d love to go Kyrian because I want angel wings. I would be doing myself a massive disservice picking them considering it’s almost a waste of a rune with how bad Shackle the Unworthy preforms.

So I’m pro #pulltheripcord. Experiencing the beta knowing that “meaningful choice” is nothing but an illusion with the covenants. I don’t want the arbitrary time gates to switch existing in their current form and I want player power to be separate from aesthetics.

They screwed up again on the initial design of Covenant powers and we’re so far into the development they don’t have time to come up/implement a solution. Lots of great suggestions have been made other then just free swapping at any moment like turning class abilities into full on class ability/talents, letting you have all the soulbinds with abilities granted depending on your equipped soulbinds regarless of your chosen covenant for aesthetics, or even reworking the soulbinds so the tiers with covenant utility/class abilities are interchangeable and you can use any combination of utility+class ability.

Like I said to Grymes the only reason anyone is anti-ripcord is because they like the gatekeeping aspects of covenants and being able to stick it to the perceived 1% of players it’s going to piss off. It doesn’t matter to you that you’re not preforming to the best of your classes ability, but it matters to me and every pro-ripcord player in here. The only reason anyone has to not want power separated from these dumb systems is seeing those it affects suffer.

There are more casuals like me who when they get the chance to actually try out Covenants will more than likely come to the same conclusion that it feels terrible having to pick between powers suited for PvE, PvP or the aesthetics they want for that character. Just like Spec locking in legion due to AP, RNG Legendary drops sucking when you got the wrong one, and pretty much everything to do with the initial Azerite system, history is repeating itself. We’re all just sitting here screaming at Blizzard asking “why”, while you eat popcorn taking pleasure in our frustration.


Wait aren’t logs the thing 1%ers and meta slaves use

I care about my guild and will likely be playing rdru in Slands. I just can’t bring myself to priest, and we already have pally and shaman covered. Big sad.

Timbo tried to say Flavor of the Month specs aren’t easy, so we consult the data.


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I’m not going to get myself banned for pointing out how actually stupid that line of thinking is.

A spec that is easy means easy to play. A spec that is hard is a spec that is hard to play. How you somehow draw a line that easy = does big dam by default is hilarious.

I’m so glad you started to bring up logs and mythic raiding. You’ve officially left anything you know even the closest shred of first hand knowledge in.


And a copy of https://www.amazon.com/How-Lie-Statistics-Darrell-Huff/dp/0393310728 /s

Full disclosure I’m a raid leader of a mythic guild that has had two separate groups clear full 12/12M and a third group which cleared Nzoth in 5 pulls.

I’ve run with ferals, outlaw rogues, resto druids, mistweavers, demo warlocks in my raid. You really don’t want to get into a discussion about mythic raiding with me :frowning:

Oh i forgot enhancement shaman!

In a game driven by numbers, the biggest number wins. Flavor of the Month specs pump out the biggest numbers, which means they can clear DPS checks easier than non-flavor specs.

It’s very simple.

I don’t know why you think doing more damage naturally is hard. You can see it in the Logs and in the sheer amount of logs that Fire Mages are naturally better than Arcane, which makes clearing Mythic easier as a Fire Mage than an Arcane Mage.

Beast Master Hunters are not hard to play, but are flavor of the month spec, compared to Survival which is more complicated, but still overall weaker.

According to this chart, you are playing with players who do not care about your guild, as some of those are below front mage. I suggest kicking them. /s


And the Ferals, Outlaws and Demos were carried by your flavor specs because the flavor specs produced better numbers far easier than they did.

It’s post-nerf two. I don’t care what the guild plays on farm.

Linking a wow-meta article HAHAHAHAHA

I’m just amazed that Timba has no clue what Flavor of the Month is.

Nothing about your posts makes a connection of how fire mage is easier to play rotation wise.

Or how a disc priest is easier than a holy priest when disc has roughly 75% more CPM than a holy priest.

I’m amazed you’ve yet to grasp the difference between what being easy to play is and what is fotm.

For someone with such a long list of accolades in raiding and pvp I’m shocked really, shocked.

It just flat out does more damage than the other two. Top Arcane Mages can’t even do higher DPS than the Median quartile of Fire Mages, despite having ‘the easier spec’.

So tell me how the rotation is tougher for Fire Mages, when there are far more parses for them than the other two specs combined.

Flavor of the month is easier to play because I can make more mistakes and still do really good damage.

Sorry why do i need to even cite the number of parses for fire mages when It’s a discussion of how a class that has a bigger ramp up time and a more difficult rotation than arcane mage or frost.

That still has nothing to do with the difficulty of the rotation.

Tell me by your logic how is disc(proactive healer) easier to play than Holy (reactive healer)

Now keep in mind I played Disc in Mythic Uldir and Holy Priest in Mythic BoD

As mentioned earlier, most of the mages who are competitive are playing Fire, not frost/arcane unless they want to mess around on farm.

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Take your advice and stop responding to Sonechka .

All you are doing is helping him or her derail your thread.


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If the damage wasn’t there, the number of parses for Fire Mage would’ve shrank as players would’ve gravitated to the other two, if the damage was there.

I don’t heal bro, but I can definitely pull up a Guide to tell me exactly what to do and what the rotation is so there’s only repitition.


Yeah, that’s what a I thought.

Cya mate catch you next expansion when you actually participate in content in the game, or don’t. I don’t care.


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