
Y’all got the case of the mondays, dawg.

Oh, you ran into a brick wall trying to flex your flawed argument that ‘Flavor of the Month’ was hard.

Fire Mage’s Combust window is probably the only mechanic I truly don’t understand in the game.

Everything else is kinda like “yeah, that makes sense if you sequence it like that”, but combust is some eldritch stuff that man was never meant to know.

Meanwhile I’m sitting here on Destro going “haha chaos bolt go brrrr”.

No, because you think you’re always right with no real concrete evidence to back your claims on your own player experience.

It makes you look idiotic, hypocritical, and a giant liar, bud.

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Hey dude big fan of all your work. I really admire your dedication to the #PullTheRipcord movement. You’re truly an inspiration to all casual players out there who only raid normal and heroic raids. Love you - Monke


I can repost the same video teaching people how to play Fire Mage point for point again.

Or how Beast Masters are Flavor of the Month, but their far more complex than Survival.

Or how Outlaw is the M+ spec and is ‘super complex’ (lol), compared to Assassination.

Flavor of the Month is naturally easier. That is a fact. Nothing to do with complexity or skill. That was my point and Mr. Mythic Raider couldn’t handle it.

Ripcord pull for greater spec enhancement

Hey goof I’m higher rated in m+, arena, bgs and i do mythic raiding.

Why you calling me “Mr Mythic Raider”.

You pivoted half way through the discussion “It’s not about complexity!!!”

Classic Sonichu up to her old tricks.

News flash for you. That’s not what I was talking about. But great straw man. I’m done interacting with you until you’re more charitable. You’re not even considering what I actually say then arguing with me. I don’t do arguments, I do discussions.

Never mentioned complexity. Flavor of the Month specs are naturally easier than sub-optimal specs. It’s the natural law of all that theory-crafting and simulations people go through.

If you do more damage naturally, you have more room for mistakes. That’s simple fact.

Cool. If you have the evidence to support your claim with your own gameplay and not someone else’s then prove it. If not, leave the thread because it proves you have no evidence of YOU being able to pull it off.

Also, you’re derailing the thread #pulltheripcord

Speaking of shifting goal posts.

I think homeboy was just trying to warn you, bud

What stating what is actually going to happen is a strawman?

You are not going to be doing dailies for just one covenant. You may get the renowned for your chosen covenant but you are helping all 4 .

All I said is since we are helping them all why not let us earn the class abilities from the others. That sounds kind of reasonable .

Oh and does charitable mean it is a discussion only if I agree with you ?

Considering there’s a quest in Maldraxxas that has you planting spying bugs in the other Covenants, it might not be the case later.

Keep your friends close, and keep your enemies closer, dawg.

The only thing that needs fixing is Conduits.

Give the swap charges on a two-day interval with a chance to lower the CD completely certain content.

Then Covenants would be perfect.

That doesn’t stop me from wanting to be the best version of my class though. What you call theory mongering I call playing the game.

You sound like the guy who used to challenge me in SF4 matches and lose his mind that I would outplay him using footsies to fish out a knockdown or throw and then using 50/50 cross up as Gen killing him almost every time with a Super into Ultimate for a flashy finish. I played matches the same way every time because that was how you played Gen(considered one of the low tier characters). I’m no Xian but I still used his strategies to win and it would drive him crazy that I would resort to using a Pro’s tactics to win casual matches.

It seems like casual players wanting to play the meta drives you crazy too.


No. It doesn’t. Play what you want, but adapt to the game, not the other way around.

Not really. As an example in Cata, Survival hunter was the FOTM, but very few could actually execute it like the pros and sims could. I played BM, and played with a lot of hunters from various guilds. Would regularly out-DPS them even though BM was the least popular spec at the time, and lowest in parses from top guilds and sims. I literally never had a surv hunter out-DPS me at the same GL, and was usually ~20-30% above the survival hunters. I believe it was the L&L mechanic which had a very narrow timing with some other ability that I just didn’t find fun or enjoy, and was really hard for most players to actually utilize, even with the right WAs.

It was simpler, and thus easier to execute, but not the FOTM and really frowned upon. But I always pulled better numbers. So FOTM is sometimes just perception.