Let me help you here. People have fun in different ways (subjective). Therefore, because people have fun in different ways the system should be flexible so everyone can have fun. Did that help?
Talents influences how a spec plays. They are interchangeable. Covenant abilities are actual flavor abilities in that they compliment the spec and are NOT interchangeable.
What is fun for me may not be fun to you, so the game should be flexible and allow for both of us to have fun. One stance on this issue is a feel bad stance for some players. The other stance allows people to play how they choose.
I think it’s time they changed the WoW players mindset. It has ruined the game. You’re playing it this way only because you think you have to - and you do not. It’s literally ruining fun for others.
So, change the channel – Covenents should be permanent and locked.
Except…my covenant abilities influence how I play. For example, if I went Kyrian I want to cast essence font 3 times when the Kyrian ability is active. But if I go necrolord I want to take refreshing jade wind and rising mist and push out my renewing mists on CD before using bonedust brew and spamming vivify. They literally change my playstyle depending on covenant.
It actually screams essence to me, but like talents, we can also switch those at will. Just saying this as a current precedent example of how borrowed power can be kinda fun when given flexibility.
2.5 million accounts were discovered and checked, which gave:
63% of players had completed at least one LFR boss.
33.4% of players had completed at least one Normal boss.
19.3% of players had completed at least one Heroic boss.
7% of players had completed at least one Mythic boss.
Explain those numbers. You can get that data off of WOWPROGRESS. Interesting insnt. Makes you think why Blizzard would focus less on RAID utility and M+ then on other content.