

It is that simple really. Enough said! The moment is now! :pray:

:musical_note: Another one pulls the ripcord and another one pulls and another one pulls another one pulls the ripcord :musical_note:

Lethal is right, its simple, really. Just pick one aspect of the game you want to do, and do nothing else. Its not like if you want to PvP effectively you’ll need to PvE to get the best PvP gear. Or if you’re a raider it isnt like you’ll be doing M+ to supplement the gear you get from raiding or anything.


It’s not locking you out of any content. You just wont be ego pleasingly optimal. And contrary to popular opinion, most probably aren’t good enough at the game for it to make a difference. You could get much bigger gains, just by playing better.
Oh gosh, I can’t areners … I have the wrong covenant. Never mind the fact that I just tunnel and don’t even have arena target binds for my cc and interrupts. Woe is me


Are you trying to kill the game for good? Locking people into one aspect o]f the game is about the dumbest thing they could do.

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I used the boost, they just lock whatever character you used the boost on.

Are you trying to kill the game? They have locked you into one side of the content since day 1. Called Horde vs Alliance. Why shouldn’t a human be able to join the horde, or a Orc join the alliance. Why should a game lock you into any choice. Your logic is biased and only feeds your agenda. It has nothing to do with game deisgn.

Yeah, but they broke the horde covenant class ability in Legion and now all the high end raiders are horde, so. How’d that work out?

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But I don’t have to do a 2 week long quest after playing my alliance characters for 2 hours, just to unlock the ability to play horde again.

You’re comparing apples to oranges.


Blizzard isnt going to fix that issue with the horde either. People will always go where the power is. There is no such thing as a balance. Thtas why covenants will stay the same.

If you recall. If you played back then. You once had to choose another server and start from scratch, but even now to play a horde. You have to start at level 1. 2( pay a boost 3) pay for a race change.

Unless you are going to pay cash. Its takes longer then 2 weeks to level a new took to max level.

…so your argument boils down to…“Life sucks, it’s always gonna suck, let’s not bother trying to make it better.” Is that right?


It takes me 36 hours played to level a toon from 1 to max. In shadowlands it’s going to take only about 16 hours if you’re going slowly.

And you failed to address my main point. I lose nothing on my horde character for playing alliance for two hours then going back to horde. I can even pay cash to faction transfer if I want.

If I switch covenants, it will take me a week long quest to go back. There’s a difference.

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Thats subject to your opinion. If you followed this topic at all. Depending on who you ask PullingtheRipcord makes it worse not better.

yo, dawg. you gotta #pulltheripcord to start your lawn mower, weed wacker, and give players choice in their video games. Imagine that.

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You have a choice. Blizzard isnt saying you have to pick a certain covenant .

Okay, let’s talk about this, then. Having covenants unlocked allows me to tailor my build to the content I’m about to consume. I like this, it makes me happy. In that regard, pulling the ripcord makes MY gameplay better. But, that’s only me. So, now let’s take a look at it from your perspective. Blizzard pulls the ripcord and covenants are open…you can switch whenever you want for whatever purpose you want. In what way does this hinder your gameplay? If you want to pick a covenant and be loyal, pick one and be loyal…nowhere in the ripcord pulling argument are people saying that you need to switch a covenant on a weekly basis or you haveto quit the game. Our way changes nothing for you, your way hinders us. Get it?


Without being time gated for switching. what if I feel like doing M+, or pvp after my raid and I’m not playing to my full potential because of the covenant I have chosen.

Take your head out of your butt.

Your way makes them a skill tree that can be min/maxed. Instead of a decision based on story and importance. Something that can be water downed.

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