
I’m dead serious.


If you’re talking about Covenants then no I don’t care. No Azerite gear, no neck to level yeah I can’t wait.

I fully support your change of heart.


If you’re serious, I’m glad you’ve decided to see our point of view

Most people won’t even consider opposing points of view


Well it usually takes evidence for me to change my point of view on something. This is just a game - this is art, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It’s only going to last two years-ish anyway. I think that it’s fun to explore and be curious about all the new shiny toys in the game - I’ll just probably wait til 9.3 to do that though.

I just like immersing myself into the game and stories they tell in Warcraft. I grew up playing Warcraft: Orcs vs. Humans, Warcraft II: Tides of Vengeance/Beyond the Dark Portal, Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos/Frozen Throne. The stories always suck me in; the gameplay will come and go and guilds will rise and fall.

I know why I play the game and that’s good enough for me - not going to be part of a campaign that tells others they can’t enjoy the game in a way they want to play, especially when the fix is probably just a one-liner in the code anyway.


Well i salute you for getting on board.

#PullTheRipcord my dude.

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Well the battle was well fought but we have lost it. With the release date set I don’t think they now plan to pull the rip cord until 9.1.

More like until the next expansion.

Friendly reminder that the entire reason we know a ripcord exists is because Blizzard have so little confidence in the system that they made a fix before the system even properly got in the hands of players and they told us about that fix.



But what if they perfectly balance everything for every spec and Covenants are perfect?

glances at 3/4 Covenant spells and Demonology


Grounds rushing up really fast blizzard. Last chance for a HALO .


Hey man. That hurts.


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Seems they are hell bent on experimenting till atleast one patch.

Ion’s stubbornness.

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One patch will be fine, It’ll only really start to hurt when they do sweeping nerfs and buffs and your Covenant you picked that you read was good suddenly gets decimated because Blizz doesn’t know what they’re doing.

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It’s a shame, because the idea of picking your own class order hall is actually cool as hell.

But Blizzard don’t think people will care about it unless they put an absurd amount of player power behind it, and with Blizzards history of balancing this kind of stuff, you’re going to be trolling if you pick anything but the “right” covenant.

I no longer care about the actual Covenants anymore because the choice has been boiled down to “do I pick the right one, or the wrong one”, not “which one do I actually like”.


It was an opportunity to build loyalty to a covenant the same way people did with Alliance and Horde.

Blew it massively.

Corruption experiment came with the final patch. They have very little respect for retail live client now. That wasn’t true in the past. :100:

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I have more faith in the balancing skills of a blind folded, one leg ,drunk , juggling running chain saws while crossing a high wire then I do Blizz


The actual Covenants are pretty interesting. Kyrian are my least favourite aesthetically and ability wise, but I love the idea of them, where they have to essentially erase their personalities or become Forsworn and darken, as Uther goes from an avatar of justice to retribution.

But I’m way less excited about learning about the Forsworn, or navigating Revendreth politics, or building my own abomination, because that stuff is no longer the main focus of the Covenant.

Instead it’s just a pseudo-talent tree with some extra story attached

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It could have been a brand loyalty time thing. Now I just feel like a mercenary who will move the moment the best raiding covenant is changed.

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