
10.27.20 guess we’ll see how it shakes out.

Well this aged horribly lol. #sitdown


Row, row. fight the power!


Player choice should never be locked. There will always be a meta and people who number crunch for the best results.

They didn’t #PullTheRipcord they cut it off and tossed it. Can’t wait for 10/26!

good lord shadowlands is not ready for a release in 2 months.

What are you doing Blizzard :weary:

The smart thing… putting an END to BfA.

What’s the point rushing to wrap up one bad expansion so another half cooked one can come out?

That kind of defeats the purpose.


Anything will be better than what we have now.

Yay for meaningful player power choices. Can’t wait!

That’s such a hilariously short-sighted take I don’t even know where to begin with this one.

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At this point, there’s really no point in worrying about the expansion. Shadowlands will be another expansion in a series that come out half baked, like Legion and BfA.

It will either improve greatly, and end up like Legion.
Or it will improve-ish, and end up like BfA



Also this game isn’t ready to be launched in october 27 as there is currently more than half of the lvl 60 content not even working and needs implementation. Most of the core features of covenants barely work or don’t work. Aboms made in the abomination factory are invis and not textured. The maw is useless its basically vale/uldum but if they removed coalescing visions because keys from torghast were a terrible idea and so far I have not seen any updates to the maw in the past 2 months. I could prob write a huge essay on the amount of features that are bugged and incomplete at level 60. Hell even the quest for when u Necro -> Venthyr -> Necro. The quest to go back to the covenant you left initially isn’t even implemented at all. 2 months I wish the best of luck.


Yeah I don’t care. BfA is almost over and that’s all I care about at this point.

Yeah honestly I was expecting pre-patch in 2 months, not full release.

Do you lack the critical thinking skills required to see how going into another expansion without it being finished just repeats the cycle?

It’d be like cooking a steak, messing it up then doing it again because you were so unhappy the first steak messed up.

It’s just such a ridiculous take.


I’ll repeat it for you. Yeah I don’t care. BfA is almost over and that’s all I care about at this point.

Even though Shadowlands is shaping up to be another BfA? Don’t care?

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Unfortunately, I dont think they’ll be convinced either way.

Hey guys after a deep communion with myself on this debate. I’ve finally decided to join Team Ripcord.

At the end of the day, it’s just a game. Games should be fun to anyone who wants to play. Everyone should be able to play the way they want to play - that’s possible if you pull the ripcord because I will never change the Covenant I choose (Necrolord) and the other people still get to play Ditto with their loadout from pull to pull.



Hell naw I don’t believe this.

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I uhh. This is surprising as heck. If you’re being serious, kudos. Takes balls to change perspectives like that.