Oh ok I didn’t know that. That’s actually a 5head level way to test, you know…let the entire active WoW player base test a change.
There’s a reason why no-one who actually has beta defends this system.
It doesn’t feel good to play and it doesn’t make sense in the story, it’s a pointless, completely arbitrary restriction that the Devs slapped in there without even bothering to consult the dialogue and story writers about.
Imagine making a system so poor and using meaningful choice as a defence that even Nobbel turns his nose up.
Poor guy has had to deal with so much poor writing and now this.
Almost to 4k!
Ohh I stopped in because I forgot something.
Pull it now, seriously pull it…cause lord knows you can’t fix it!
How many times has Blizzard been able to balance class abilities?
When has player choice even been a bad thing? Why shouldn’t I be able to choose the abilities best suited for the situation at hand?
I want to make a meaningful choice of covenant without being told I chose the wrong one by people who expect a certain ability from my class.
They already gave up on that plan when they announced they were able to remove the restrictions. Daddy Activision isn’t going to want yet another wave of sub losses.
I’ll never be tired of reading this guy’s posts
It’s all kinda like watching an addict friend tell you…no no it’s different this time, I have it under control.
No Blizzard you don’t. let us help you.
God, could you imagine Blizzard announcing at Gamescom, “yo, we listened to community feedback and revised the Covenant system”, and the dropping this bad boy on us.
I would be so happy.
Holy smokes those look good
I love how there’s only 3 in each instance, we all know that every class has at least one dead covenant, lol.
SL is sure to be a great expansion if BLizz stops doubling down on bad design, as they have in the past.
Congratulations. Because you are the 4000th reply, you win one meaningful choice. Will it be cool gameplay or cool looks?
I think of the greater good for the many, i’d like quality gameplay all can enjoy #4001
I think they need to let covenants stand on their own as story driven meaningful choices. The leave power driven meaningful choices on a different system.