
Can i be a tauren?!

Woah timbaeslice it’s weird how a bunch of people turned up who all have similar names to you. What a coincidence


You’re right… it’s very strange… somethings not quite right here.

But they are all very beautiful !

Grymes in shambles when he finds out the toxic min-maxer is a dwarf die hard and a lore nerd.


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Haha that is a spicy take but I am not sure if you can see the future for systemlands.

What I see is new conquerors coming into WoW and leading WoW to the promised land once more. Amen.

:100: :raising_hand_woman: :raising_hand_man:

Which stinks because I don’t want WoW to die.

But the game absolutely needs a better direction, moving to a more and more serious raiding tax needs to get out :point_right:


So this popped up on my twitter feed, and it’s a pretty good read.


I dunno who the original author is beyond their Twitter handle (@Ripcord_exe), but they make some great points about the nature of feedback and why pulling the ripcord matters to people beyond the absolute top end.

I’m just a little parody twitter. I like memes, some snark, and some satire. But I saw a post regarding how the community “should” give feedback to the developers by Mr. Celestalon. I’d like to respond to some of his tweets and put my thoughts down and hopefully encapsulate what some of us that raid at a higher level than average, while also recognizing that there is a concern among all levels of play about the covenants and how much content is locked behind covenants.

First I’d like to start off with this from Celestalon.

“How is this not just a textbook example of players being fine at identifying problems and horrible at identifying solutions?”

This should be fairly obvious but perhaps not so allow me to say it very plainly: We are not paid to find solutions for this game. We pay to play the game and have fun doing so. When we (the collective we but can even be broken down to an individual) find something not fun, we say “this isn’t fun.” Now perhaps we can say why we don’t find it fun, but that also isn’t our responsibility. In fact, no player is under any responsibility to do ANYTHING for the developers beyond paying our subscription/purchasing fee and keeping them employed. That is both the beginning and end of our responsibility to any developer of any game.

Now we certainly have a responsibility to be decent human beings etc etc. But in terms of a consumer of a product, our responsibility ends when we pay for the game/subscription and that can’t be understated.

But thankfully we are a bunch of nerds that might have too much time on our hands and as such we happen to do the developers job for free (because yes finding bugs, balancing classes and numbers is the job of the developers, not the players.)




All of these bugs, reports, suggestions, are done by players and given to developers to make the game better because at the end of the day we all love WoW. Certain parts are certainly subjective (classes should be able to do X, instead of Y) and there can be some disagreement on whether its good or bad. But others are objective. Taking one of the bugs from the github focus magic giving more than 5% crit,https://github.com/SimCMinMax/WoW-BugTracker/issues/622

The exact build, a picture, how to reproduce and what the result it. Everything any decent developer/programmer would need to find the bug and squash it. The players of this game go above and beyond in multiple areas to help make the game the best it can be. And perhaps that’s what has made this game stand the test of time where so many other MMOs have not.


This post was automatically flagged on the forums. It was corrected but it still happened. There is nothing in there that breaks any ToS or is offensive to anyone. It was flagged for simply saying something. The post is thought out, well articulated, and has good points.

We as a player base sit here and listen to a company push us to buy toys to support their esports areas: the MDI and AWC. Two end game focused areas that are uplifted by both the company and community. Perhaps to inspire people to push themselves. Perhaps just to entertain. But regardless of a reason, 2 avenues of the game that encourage players to be the best they can be is uplifted by the same company that says at the same time you can’t always be the best you can be because thats the way we have decided to design the game.

Why? Why do that to people? Why WILLFULLY make people disadvantaged in a situation?
It will be stated that this is looking at the glass half empty and what blizzard is doing is giving others the advantage in certain situations. But why does one players advantage have to come at another’s disadvantage? Why is that the fantasy world we have decided to design?

On one hand we are given things to watch to potentially inspire us to be the best we can be. But then told by the same people that we can only do that once a week because that’s good game design? I happen to believe that isn’t good game design, and I think its being dishonest to the players that might get inspired to try something in game. If any of those people want to jump into an area of their favorite person they saw on a Warcraft broadcast on Youtube because they were inspired, they have to wait a week to swap out the conduits. They’ve now potentially hindered their friends working on a boss, or maybe doing that key later in the week because they wanted to try out some pvp. Punishment…for wanting to have fun and be like their favorite AWC/MDI competitor that inspired them.

“I should be able to always have the best thing, on demand.” does not lead to good game design."

Mr Celestalon, it’s not about being the best. Thats what everyone tries to say about the #PulltheRipcord. But its not. Its about being able to have fun with one group of friends, while not feeling like I’m punishing a second. I want to help a little pug group with the raid boss, while not hurting my M+ team in the keys we are doing this week. Its about wanting to try a new build I saw on a stream or reddit or the forums in PVP while not hurting my raid group. Its about going and seeing how the venthyr story ends while knowing Im not gonna hurt my pvp team that are just trying to get 1600 rating and we are using necrolord to help counter enemy CC because we really aren’t that great at PVP, but we try really hard. But the vampires are so cool and I want to see how they end and get to go the party every week :D.

This game is community game. There is very little “current” content that can be done without other people. That is the point of an MMORPG. You play with others, whether its just passing them in the world or grouping up and going to kill the dragon. For nearly 16 years, this game has been about the adventure of the team, group, guild. What we do affects our team. From wiping the raid because someone didn’t soak the the meteor, to the mages being frost to kill visidus, to the simple idea of the tank maintaining aggro so the mob doesn’t go kill his dungeon group and relying on the healer to help keep him alive and the dps to kill the mobs before he runs out of mitigation/healer runs out of healing. And now after nearly 16 years, I’m told that I have to accept that I have to willfully disadvantage or hurt my team/group in some form of content. I dont find this to be good design decision. These are my friends. Why would I want to do anything but my best for them, whatever that level of best is?

“It’s just the 1% that are saying it.” There have been many things in the real world and the gaming world that a very small group of people spoke up about. Just because the group is small doesn’t change the subject that they speak on. The size of the group speaking has never changed how valid the point is they are making.


Thanks for reading!

Dwarves are cool. I’ll probably go back Dwarf next expansion.


Here comes the classic “slippery slope”!

Slipper Slope Logical Fallacy- The problem with this reasoning is that it avoids engaging with the issue at hand, and instead shifts attention to extreme hypotheticals. Because no proof is presented to show that such extreme hypotheticals will in fact occur, this fallacy has the form of an appeal to emotion fallacy by leveraging fear. In effect the argument at hand is unfairly tainted by unsubstantiated conjecture.

We’ve debunked this type of argument time and time again but your “side” can’t do any better then resort to failed reasoning. You should learn about logical fallacies before trying to debate.

I know using the google box is hard for you guys though judging with how you need Blizzard to hold your hand with everything. If you need directions to the PvP vendors feel free to whisper me.


He found it! He is the messiah!


I’m planning on testing a new setup in raid tonight. It requires different essences and talents than what I normally bring. I love having the choice to test something I saw a person doing to see if it works for me. And guess what? If this build doesn’t work for me, I can go back to what I normally take without any consequences! Imagine that.



Na you need to stick with you experiment for 7 days because that’s good game design. Still keen on trying something new now?

In all seriousness though I hope it works out for you :blush:



these will likely never be balanced. covs power will change based on spec or even talent choice, punishing those who want to respec. they will be nerfed/buffed and players will feel like their choice was a mistake even though they were at the mercy of the devs the entire time. players will also feel forced to pick a cov regardless of fantasy/gameplay/rp. this is looking to be the worst borrowed power system ever implemented, but it could be great if the powers were just separated from the covenants. i want to be able to align my DK with the necrolords, but gain the “boon” of another covenant, giving me their ability.


No one even says this to begin with. No one would say this in Shadowlands. That idea of “meaning” won’t even be a thing.

The real things people will be saying, “Did you not invite me because I’m a Venthyr Warlock and not Necrolord? kys you min-max tryhard”.

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Realistically…the dungeon buffs Blizzard has put out there is going to make groups a whole lot tighter. Tons of people are going to be excluded simply because the group needs at least one person of the specific dungeon to attain those buffs.

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That isn’t a compromise a 10% stacking damage increase basically means you can never change covenant ever.

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Pull the ripcord.

You know, reading the anti pullers comments hurts my brain so much.


i mostly agree with the idea. i think blizzard has a vision of how this system’s going to play with the audience that’s overly optimistic. i’m not super into the game right now but yeah, there’s always going to be choices that are just better and even just playing casually the feeling of “i want my character to be useful and strong” isn’t going to go away. that’s just part of the game. it feels bad if you choose something for cosmetic or lore reasons and then you realize you’re just straight-up gimped compared to someone else because of your choices. that doesn’t feel good.

Blizzard is basicly hoping “the silent majority” is with them.
I think they’re in for a ride.


Silent majority like corruptions and azerite gear? hgnhggnhhng

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