Ive raided mythic… we’ve often run into situations where we have to speak to someone about their dps… you’re right, it happens more often at the beginning of the tier, but it does happen later too
I could see Blizzard allowing you to play another covenant after you complete a previous one.
You’re not always going to execute things to 100% perfection every pull. Someone is going to mess up somewhere and time. You learn and see this every Saturday when you don’t raid with the best of the best players around. It’s more than fair enough for a rule.
This is true. It usually happens when someone is trying to top the charts or rank highly. Had they focused a little less on their ‘perfect’ rotation for dps and more on the area around them/boss they would not mess up the mechanics.
I would be a fan of this. Make them unlockable after a month idgaf. Just don’t lock me into the same thing for the entire expansion
In management, if I have a metric that I’m pushing and I have bottom performers, I sit down with the employee to explain the expectation and why that expectation exists. Then I help the employee figure out an action plan to bridge the gap between where they are now, to what the expectation is. I don’t force my way onto them, which is similar to a raid leader saying you have to take x, y, z abilities or play this or that class and spec.
I have a feeling that your raid teams members aren’t performing in the top 1%, which means that every raid member has room to improve to move that needle of progression towards a positive direction. Picking on the bottom 5% of the players on your team is crap if you have people also performing in the 50 to 75% range as well. I’d push to improve the performance of every raid member, not just those who fall just under the bare minimum.
It’s not hard to figure out the goal dps per player either if you know the total boss health and how long to beat it until enrage. If no enrage timer, you also have to look at tank dps and healing efficiency. It’s not all about how much dps your dps roles are pulling.
They already have a system in place like that, as does other games. I don’t know what Blizzard calls it, but they allow players to choose everything during a competition.
Call it Competition mode. In this mode, you can pick a max level race, class, spec, covenant, enchants, gems, flasks, food, and so on. GW2 does it with their PvP, LoL in their tournaments, Blizzard in their tournaments, and so on. Instead of using it just for tournaments, just have a good mode you sign up for and you and your team can choose the loadout you want and push content tuned for being optimal.
I would be a fan of this. Make them unlockable after a month idgaf. Just don’t lock me into the same thing for the entire expansion
The idea of being locked in before players can even test all the abilities in challenging content seems odd.
How well they work while leveling is nothing like how they’ll function in heroic/ mythic raids and high m+ keys.
The blizzard devs are not known for their intelligence…
Lol I’ve always just thought they enjoy hazing their addicts…I mean customers.
The blizzard devs are not known for their intelligence…
I’m not sure it comes down to intelligence, I’m sure they are very smart.
However they sure as hell aren’t known for being in touch with what the playerbase wants.
Yes I imagine they are intelligent, let me correct myself. They are not known for making intelligent decisions
They throw out phrases like “meaningful choices” when what they’re really saying is “play the way we want you to play”. Anyone who thinks that covenant abilities will be balanced for every class in Mythic+, Raiding, and PvP is just plain naive.
The abilities themselves divide the community between those who will be doing high Mythic+ keys, Mythic Raiding, and Rated PvP. Add in Soulbinds and Legendaries and it gets even worse, because let’s face it a majority of class/spec design in all aspects of WoW right now are in the toilet.
My prediction is that after Shadowlands has been out for a year they’ll either finally remove the Covenant switching restriction, just give everyone all the abilities at once, or do the same thing as they have in BfA and just abandon all hopes of balancing.
They throw out phrases like “meaningful choices” when what they’re really saying is “play the way we want you to play”.
That is not true. We are simply saying we agree with what Blizzard has currently presented us and would like that. I can not speak for the others who agree but I would like to see this happen just because it is something they have not done recently. Make players choose something that will give them a weakness somewhere else. I am excited for the thought of the possible changes this could bring.
The they in that quote refers to the devs.
Just because it wasn’t done recently doesn’t mean it will be good or bad, however due to BfA being a bad experience for most people you can understand why many people like me are skeptical.
I would have liked Shadowlands to return to what made WoW fun in previous expansions by building on what is already here in terms of class design, not throwing away everything and starting from scratch.
The issue for me is that classes in BfA almost all feel like they’re missing something and the borrowed power systems, which are supposed to patch those holes, don’t do anything to fix them.
The Covenant abilities so far look like things we should get added into our spellbook, or even talent trees, not things we can choose one out of four and just abandon after the expansion is over.
The Covenant abilities so far look like things we should get added into our spellbook, or even talent trees, not things we can choose one out of four and just abandon after the expansion is over.
I agree that this ‘borrowed power’ stuff needs to end. It does not feel good no matter how it turns out because just like with Legion we know these ‘powers’ come with a shelf life that can not exceed two years. We need to get back to gaining new powers each xpac in the form of perm additions.
If the covenants were something that was given to you and you had to make a one time choice to choose whether you were an aoe boomkin or a ST boomkin it wouldn’t be bad IF:
a) they were within 1-2% of each other
b) they never randomly nerfed/buffed them by massive amounts
c) they were clear on which was going to be good for each piece of content.
All 3 of these will not be the case. Look at corruptions, the test run for covenants -
a) massive differences in power
b) massive nerfs after saying they weren’t going to touch them
c) you need to sim each one to see if it’s better.
Covenants are just going to be more of the same
You think them making the covenant abilities a talent row type system would lose “several hundred thousand” players who prefer to have meaningful choices ?
I don’t understand this argument - the people I play with now play in an RPG-style and make meaningful choices. We’ve been doing so for the past 2 expansions.
If covenants/abilities were on a talent row in Shadowlands - we’d still be able to make “meaningful choices” even if others could choose to do something else.
All of this of course relating to “meaningful choices” being something specific and different from what some other players would define it as.
That is not true. We are simply saying we agree with what Blizzard has currently presented us and would like that. I can not speak for the others who agree but I would like to see this happen just because it is something they have not done recently. Make players choose something that will give them a weakness somewhere else. I am excited for the thought of the possible changes this could bring.
But we already have the choice to do so. My crew that I run all kinds of content with has been doing this for years.
Blizzard doesn’t need to force everyone down this path - players can still have a choice. Otherwise - “play the way we want you to play” ends up being more true than not.
I’ve gotten an ability on each of the 4 classes I play after Legion was over and Blizzard has already said that some azerite traits are making their way into our repertoire after BFA.
Don’t get me wrong, I seriously miss the way my DK used to play before it was gutted for spec identity. But I think Legion going forward they’re giving us temporary abilities, seeing how they actually perform and meld with the rest of the class, and adding it to our kit after the expansion.