PTR quest spoilers, but

Owing to when I found these quests during Wrath, Past Me came from all of five minutes ago. That’s a pretty sad excuse for a paradox loop.

I think a lot of people are missing the point. Why this scenario, for example? There are plenty of ways to explore dark stories without going down this specific path. Making the player directly responsible for Alexstrasza’s continued captivity and abuse is certainly a choice. Having Chromie refer to the timeline as tasty of all things and making quips about not telling Alexstrasza is another choice.

Neither are particularly good choices either. Also Chromie may be bubbly and all that, but notice the difference between telling us to go kill Amber and telling us to ensure Alexstrasza remains a captive. She totally IS capable of being sad and serious, because she is for the Amber quest. No cheese jokes there.

But really, there are plenty of other ways they could have gone about this. It didn’t even need to be this particular scenario and if it had to be related to Alex, maybe we could have been sent to do something else instead of keeping her there.

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You already are. With saving Medivh and making sure he opens the Dark Portal in the Cavern of Time 5 man, you set in motion for the Dragonmaw clan to be formed and do what they did to Alextrasza. Making you directly responsible for her horrific event years before it even happens. Not to mention all the other things like helping Arthas cull Stratholme and ensure he becomes the Lich King and kill innocent men women and children. Oh and cause further harm to Alexstrasza’s flight…And Sindragosa…who was resurrected and made into a slave…and the things the Twilight Hammer did to Sinestra…

Yeah you (Really all of us) have a lot of questionable and horrific events on your hands for keeping the timeline pure. Just sayin.2

There’s a definite difference in how the quests feel. There’s a difference between doing a thing that starts a chain reaction and eventually leads to it as opposed to cutting out all the middle steps and being tasked with keeping someone as a prisoner knowing what that means.

At any rate, blizzard is re-evaluating the quest anyway.