Ptr melee hunter simple improvement - suggestions

Trying to simplify the request for melee hunter so that it will look doable
Hit and run: change it to add attack speed or leave it as useless.

Cobra strike: change it to proc by both melee and ranged spell instead of being a forced range build.

Cobra slayer: mongoose proc on enemy parry and dodge, if tier set has it proc on miss, so that it has about 10-15% proc rate and 20% proc rate when full tier.

Melee specialist: 15% chance to get an extra attack when using a 2h. Wing clip adds +10% physical dmg debuff on target for 8 sec. Somewhat debuff so melee hunters can contribute in a raid. Turn aspect of hawk and hunters mark to + melee ap buff.

Raptor fury: 15% rs dmg buff, since raptor strike gets a 50% nerf, make this rune a little more useful or just remove it.

Dw: same type weapon get 15% attack speed buff. Yes the same type weapon condition is very fun, making ppl working harder to find bis builds.

Wyvren strike: resets by a melee spell as long as not weaving. Add + nature dmg debuff on target.

Advanced change:
There can be a lot more spells added into the class, but instead of bringing too many new spells which devs didn’t want us to use.
I just want to request lock and load to make fire traps add + fire dmg debuff on target, ice traps add + frost dmg debuff to target

By doing listed, bm runes now can be used for both mm and melee builds, and melee build gets some buff debuff to work with. I haven’t checked all the numbers, this is just a general idea, and the numbers can be fine tuned during the phase.

A lazy alternative could be
Melee specialist: converts all shots spell to melee strikes with the same effects just with melee weapon dmg as base. But that might result too much shock….

I like where your head is at, but I think we as a player base should throw our support behind a single idea to give the developers the right indication of what to do (as opposed to bombarding them with a billion suggestions).

I came across this post by a guy named “Bousted”. I thought that it is a perfect starting point for phase 4 (will of course require tweaking via the PTR), but check it out and like/comment on it if you think it’s good:

I think we should have a simple version of feedback, like I said just some twicks on the runes we got and about getting.
And a more detailed version which including adding new runes/spells as ppl requested.
So at least we can have something playable if they are willing to improve the game as ppl discussed