PTR is up -- 1:30 p.m. PST January 16

See you there!


Aff tier set still broken :frowning:

Does this build have the changes Ion was mentioning in the recent PCGamer article?

Hey can we have PvP gear on the ptr?

There isn’t a goblin near Setzertauren that sells PVP gear? That’s usually where you find them.

What should we be testing, all our new stuff was broken last build. Has this changed?

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am I doing something wrong? I launched the PTR 11.1.0 and it says no servers

Same. This is my first time trying to access PTR though so not sure if I missed some kind of pre-requisite step.

I actually just fixed my issue by following the steps here: Can't connect to 11.1 ptr - #3 by Rainyruby-frostmourne

Might want to try that @Boocraaft