PTR datamining continues!

yes, i think those are the same lines.
pretty random to see them here.
maybe is a re-record?

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Azshara really likes to entertain people.

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Did … did I just hear Gazlowe say "The Rest of the Greece-Monkey’s get the day off, and FULL PAY"?! He even said "Pay off the life insurance to their families, FULL VALUE, NO HAGGLE"!

Why is this man not our Goblin Leader?! I could absolutely give no craps about him profiting off the Alliance (he’s a Gob, turning down business at a huge markup is bad business) … but the guy takes care of his people (and genuinely seems to give a crap about them). He’s efficient, intelligent, is a perfect representative of the Goblin race… and has a great voice!

Who care’s if he’s Steamwheedle, he’s the Horde’s ORIGINAL Goblin and one of the factions founders in many ways. I cannot wait till the day I get to work under Trade Prince Gazlowe!


Perhaps you should consider Gazlowe to represent some new morale standing for parts of the Goblin race, while Gallywix is the apex of Goblins at their worst but best by their (old, perhaps?) standards.


You have to stop thinking like a human/elf and more like a Goblin/Ferengi. :slight_smile:

That’s exactly what a Goblin expects of the Boss! I’s also why they want so badly to be the Boss.

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No it isn’t. In fact NOTHING in the game beyond Gallywix’s expendable mooks backs up this statement. As a Goblin main I absolutely detest that fat blob as our leader (even if he does entertain me as a character). Luckily, I’m backed up on this with the vast majority of Named Goblins (who if they even have an ounce of talent or intelligence) despise Gallywix.

Mida hates him, she just knows how to profit off of him. Gazlowe and Grapplehammer do the same, while undermining him whenever he can. Sassy retired in Booty Bay to stay away from him. Grizzex abandoned the Bilgewater, and is even part of the Alliance because of his hatred for Gallwix. Renzik actively states that he loaths what Gallywix has done to the Goblin People (and what he has turned them into). The Gob Squad rarely work for him, and don’t act like him.

Long story short, no … the Goblins of this world (and the Goblin playerbase) generally don’t like Wix. He represents only the worst of Goblin-kind, with none of the positives. He’s ONLY Greed; he’s not particularly intelligent; resourceful; efficient; nor productive. His profits come far, FAR too much at the expense of his entire species, partners, workers, and faction (and ALL of that is focused too self-destructively on the short term). He’s a liability only good at helping himself.


Not sure if it was mentioned, but Wowhead loaded up the new Thrall Model with animations included this time. Not gonna lie, I had issues with it when it was motionless, but the thing actually is pretty darned cool when moving around. Its a genuinely pretty solid rig for the guy (and sure as heck beats the Bald and Beads).

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Agreed, what I wish would happen is that the Alliance puts some pressure on the Trade prince of Steamwheedle Cartel about Gazlowe breaking neutrality to secure some device. Device explodes killing Gallywix. Steamwheedle come to a deal that Gazlowe gets canned. He becomes the Horde Goblin Race Leader.

I can’t see Gazlowe remaining neutral after taking part of this war in an active combat role. I also see the steamwheedle unwilling to give up the lucrative position to take the horde and alliance gold. Alliance knows what he is doing, and I doubt if they are smart not use the business leverage to pressure the Cartel back into neutrality.

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When Sylvanas becomes a villain then Gallywix is going with her. The stuff happening with Gazlowe right now is probably building him up to be the new Bilgewater Trade Prince like how Rokhan is being built up to be the new Darkspear leader.


And I’d guess Nathanos being built up as the replacement Forsaken leader. He’s going to be the hardest to budge, but considering his functional use this expansion its very likely he will take the mantel over from her once she does something to the Forsaken that even he can’t tolerate.


Oh i agree, boytoy is in for a rude awakening, cant wait.


Source? Thought she was put in due to fan demand, and has never done anything.


Fine, it was an overstatement. Mida things he’s a shoddy pretentious businessman, more worried about picking wallpaper for his palace then efficiency and profit. Sassy … I have no idea why she’s down in Stranglethorn with her little Hideaway. She’s been shockingly inactive after the Lost Isles (but lets be honest, I doubt she’s a fan of Wix after all that’s happened).

In general, I do think its apt to say that nobody really is a fan of Wix. \

He’s going to shoot her in the back and say something snarky. All of this ‘TRUST ME AS I TRUST IN YOU’ and ‘YOU KNOW WHAT IS COMING’ from Sylvanas is the setup for him being the one to take her down, which will serve as a narrative redemption of the Forsaken and detach them from her crimes and Teldrassil. At least by the standards of the fiction.

He might give a sad, lingering look back at her corpse, but any awakening he has is going to advance his agency, not reduce it.

I’m not certain about much, and I’m not ‘certain’ on this, but I think the signalling here is pretty blunt.


Well i do admit that it would be kinda cathartic seeing her lover put her down.

The Dark Lady anticipated traitorous meddling, but we did not know when it would come… until you told us.
Now that the guests have arrived, shall we begin the entertainment?
Alchemist Spiteblood has something in mind. He can provide you protection against his… toys.
The traitors must believe you are on their side. None of our guards have been told you are loyal to the Horde. They will show no mercy.
Show none to them.

“It seems our lot has been thrown in with the Alliance.
I know what it is to fight against them, $p. To feel the loss and rage of war in your heart.
But I ask you to put that aside… at least until our friend Baine is safe.”

Little Shandris Feathermoon. A lowborn peasant in search of other lowborn peasants. Let us see if we can’t wash away some of that disrespect you have been showing me.
You had no idea what I had to give to try to save this city. To save my people. And this is the thanks awarded me? The gratitude?
How rude of me. You came here to say goodbye to a lost one. Well, here they are…
That is enough, Sivara. They cannot choose to kneel to me if they are dead. Let us give them time to heal so they can come to their senses.
Oh, the First Arcanist Thalyssra. Still serving at the whim of better women I see. Shall we give your paltry parlor magic a test?
For ages, I wondered what would have happened to me had I chosen to flee to Zin-Azshari, or to Suramar, instead of with Tyrande.
Now I see I might have found my family, right before I would have lost them to Azshara’s madness.

You there! Please. I am in dire need of assistance. My brother is missing…
The denizens of the estates are cursed… forced to live in a state of purgatory for Azshara’s own glory.
I hope my brother does not suffer the same fate.
Azshara… forgive me.
That naga witch is trying to bend my brother’s sprit to Azshara’s will just like the others!
You will serve the Queen! Glory to Azshara!

“None of our guards have been told you are loyal to the Horde. They will show no mercy.”
“Show none to them.”

what? XD.
good job making you kill your own people, blizz.

also. it’s great to see shandris have more story.

WTB Faction Change to Azshara.

I wonder. Would that make me a Naga, or a Void Elf?

She’s just the best.

That seems… wasteful, for someone lauded for their pragmatism.


Well, yeah. The entire loyalist option is cobbled together by writers who hate the people opting for it. It’s always been paper-thin.