Pterrordax Swoop & Goblin Gliders

Anyone have any good suggestions on a Macro or addon to use Goblin Gliders if Pterrordax Swoop is on cooldown? I will be honest, I am not very savvy with Macros so I am not sure if t his is entirely possible or not or if this drifts too far into the realm of automation that its impossible to do.

My suggestion would be to put Pterrordax Swoop on a macro with no modifier and Goblin Glider Kit on the same macro with an any modifer conditional.

Jump off somewhere, tap the button, nothing. Press a modifier (any of them) and tap it again, avoid a faceplant.

obligatory characters

This worked for me- you have to press it twice to activate the goblin glider
/castsequence Pterrordax Swoop(Racial),
/use Goblin Glider Kit

I will go against the common response here and say this is indeed possible!.. out of combat. If you find yourself falling (out of combat) you can use this macro to check the cooldown before using Swoop or use a Glider if Swoop is unavailable.

Try this (I have not tested it but it should work), and be sure to name your macro “fall” or adjust the name to whatever your macro is named.

/run local g,s,b,x,m,s,d="Goblin Glider Kit","Pterrordax Swoop","",0,"fall",GetSpellCooldown(281954) if s>0 and d>0 then x=1 end b=GetMacroBody(m)EditMacro(m,m,nil,strsub(b,1,strfind(b,";\n")).."\n/use "..(x==0 and s or g));
/use Pterrordax Swoop

Please let me know if this works for you!