Psyfiend in arena

??? LMAO what would you like a selfie uploaded to the forums?

Externals posted on a classic alt for a long time and was extremely rude to just about everyone someone pointed out who his main was and I made fun of him for his in game achievements since he did it to others and he’s been upset ever since.

Of course all he possibly has is making up irl insults I won’t prove. I’m im not posting a selfie :joy::joy:

I think it’s okay . I keep it in game and only said things a reader could verify to be true themselves. All he has is his crash outs and lies. Poor fella.


This guy went to bed hurt, had nightmares about me, woke up and still is going. After the night I had tho, I really do hope you find happiness in your life outside this game , and being over weight is NOT a chronic illness , it’s something you can easily change with a diet and some exercise.

Spin whatever narrative you want, pretend I’m whatever boogeyman that haunts you.
At the end of the day, we’re all in the same boat and it’s more of a sinking ship that has too many holes to plug.

Yawn, boring.

Hope you get another mount soon!

Philosopher Blinkfastt out here

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“New player” “Wotlk glad” “1900 in seasons following”

Lets do a check, wotlk released in 2008, it is 2024, that’s 16 years. I don’t know that I’d call someone who got their glad 16 years ago new.

Ohhh you’re Zavius/Sarcophagus


Is that suppose to mean something to anyone? Neither of those characters have any posts to their names … I don’t understand why people keep posting alts then start spiraling into you’re this person! There is no “a hah!” moment, all the characters are readily and available to see on check or sera.

What have I said to you exactly that’s making you take a weird stance? Plus , new as new poster . No new posters are welcome here, clearly unless as stated for the thousand time you’re not a brown nosing gulper looking for “free” coaching, then by all means.

Should try reading. New posters that make a claim, flame people who disagree and then lie, in this case about his arena xp.

Be honest youd agree with literally anyone if they were getting called out on the forums by the people you don’t like.

And be honest with the reason

bullytox at it again smh my head


the legendary Bullytox

You can keep saying I lied about my arena xp, I got to 2400 during wotlk, prove that I don’t have another account, that’s right you can’t.

The mere volume of posts that you and your groupies have speak volumes about your personality. You and your groupies obviously aren’t used to people on these forums disagreeing with you. You and the moonkin spend literally 90% of your day posting on these forums, you think by making your sentences fancy and quoting people out of context makes you somehow superior. I’m sure mommy is really proud of you sneaking her credit card every month to keep renewing your subscription.

Mad, cope, lie.

Because you can kill it in 1-2 globals

Stop being bad, if every MS was that easy to remove we’d have to 2x dampening.

I don’t have a dog in this fight and don’t really care either way, but clearly the burden of proof in this situation would be yours, no one else’s. The default position would be what is verifiable and quantifiable and a career of 1900cr does not give indication to achievements earned on an account or character that can’t be seen.


It’s Okay, I believe you because bout that Time I got my 1st R1 and played in a few awc tourneys but they got boring because of winning and all. I needed more competition

ROFL ok I can’t :joy:

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Aside from the fact that these weight/BMI accusations are completely made up you should be required to upload a personal pic to even attempt to attack someone’s irl appearance. Not that such a thing should even be brought up when discussing video game achievements on said video game forum, but it just screams pathetic to try and criticize someone over their appearance if you aren’t willing to share yours first.

Also when I see someone lashing out with personal attacks when the discussion was game related and it starts going south for them it just screams big mad and trying to save face. It’s not a good look and it’s obvious to anyone following the conversation what’s going on.


What in tarnation

Hey no one will judge if this person likes eating too many ribs.

buddy u were not playin ret dk druid 2400 in wrath u are capping

Um that tells me that you didn’t play wrath. Dk and Ret were busted for the entire expansion.

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