PSA: Headphone dent

OP must still have that soft, baby skull going on lol.


Probably a lot. I mean, the worst you could do is throw them against a wall or a locker door or something. Maybe you’d cause a dent, but it would be difficult.

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Guess it depends on what their walls were constructed with.

Don’t forget the windows you can probably break those with headphones

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Everyone having a laugh.

Meanwhile my head permanently looks like a bean with a face.

I think you need to go tell your doctor your skull got indented from wearing headphones and have him/her schedule you for an x-ray. Maybe my insurance isn’t great but the last one I had cost about $350.

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I didn’t even think of that. I’m calling them first thing on Monday.

I’ve had a dent in the back of my skull since I was a little thing.

That’s… that’s not normal?

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Blame your parents, not your headphones.

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This is why I only wear wireless ear buds. I will only have to worry about cancer from the radio waves. :rofl:

I don’t have to worry about a disfiguring dent. :rofl:

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Pinch your nose with one hand, stick your other thumb in your mouth, and blow really hard. Everything should pop back into place with a loud “SPROING”.


Wicked smaht!

I laughed so hard imagining you trying to dent a school by hucking a pair of headphones at it.


Speakers and a decent desktop microphone will fix that.

already got a weird dent behind my ears because I have to wear glasses 10 hours a day.


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I’ve got the safety glass dents too.

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This is only a problem if your headset is a chunky thing made of depleted uranium with a fat tungsten billet where the cushion should be.

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They were 50% off though

Ay, you get what you pay for.
At least you don’t have to worry about it breaking. Though you might have to worry about it breaking you.

This isn’t funny. It’s going to seriously impact my chances of getting a date.
No woman is going to go out with a guy that looks like a toddler drew him. :slightly_frowning_face:

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