PSA: Do NOT Summon other Blingtrons to fight Bling7000!

Not going to lie, it would at the very least be nice to more easily see what you are stuck in combat with at the very least XD


Dev 1 : Hey looks like there is a bug with the Blingtrons

Dev 2 : Really what ?

Dev 1 : Blingtron 5000 just owned 7000 in a fight

Dev 2: Ahhhhh no problem working as intended

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LMAO I really wanna do this now.

Bugged for azeroth

Death to the 7000s!

Keyword - trivial. Much easier to hop into the database and push an update to the “HP” column than it is to fix the “why am I stuck in combat” problems (or other more involved issues).

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Maybe he’s the glass canon model.

No offense but given your propensity for screwing up professions in BFA, I highly doubt it.

Can we get 7000’s daily cooldown separated from the rest? I really think the idea of being able to only open one Blingtron package from only 1 model once per account per day is… A little restrictive…

I did the exact same thing earlier, and I was coming here to make a thread about it.

Funny stuff.