PSA About WoW Classic

It was explicitly stated by the lead Classic developer at Blizzcon that class balancing will not happen in Classic. His response was something along the lines of “Go play BfA if you want class balancing”.

So no. We’re getting authentic vanilla. It’ll be that way and it’ll stay that way.


Nope. Wow Classic as close to vanilla as possible. Leave changes for retail.

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You do realize that information from Developers is passed along to the Community Manager’s right? Those same CM’s then post that same information here on the forums. In other words, you already have your answer which Boomsky already shared with you.


Of course you are relishing in the backlash. It’s what you were hoping for by making the thread to begin with.

I would advise you to watch some of the interviews from Blizzard themselves. You said you won’t take the word of a blue, fine. Will you take the word of Ion and the team that is working on Classic? Look them up, go ahead. :slightly_smiling_face: You will find your answers from the devs themselves.

There was actually a great video posted in this forum that had an interview with the devs regarding these things that basically shoots your hopes and theories out quite quickly. I can’t remember which thread it was in now or I would post it. I may edit this post later if I find it. I’m pretty sure I replied in it so maybe I can find it again.

Edit: Found the video from the devs at Blizzcon. Here ya go. Enjoy!

They flat out say if you are wanting modern balance that we already have that in BFA, but that they intend to keep Classic as authentic as possible. No balances or retuning.


Yeah but none of the developers who created wow are still at blizz.

#nochange is the only politically correct answer on this forum. Otherwise people laugh at you, mob you, calling you ignorant or whatever.

That being said, I want classic to be kept intact for at least 2 years. After that I want horizontal expansion.

As I said before, Changing classes themselves is death trap. Class balance should be achieved by adding content that favour certain class if not favouring each class equally. As long as they keep each class unique, that is easy to do.

Btw, most people strongly wanting classic are arrogant folks thinking they know 1 or 2 about games, myself included.

Deep down everyone wants some change. So #nochange became the middle ground. Everyone really want to say is let’s wait and see but is so afraid of anyone else screw up this precious opportunity of having vanilla again.

Anything beyond the vanilla version of classic wow is taboo.

BfA and the rapidly declining subs say differently.


But only because I actually started typing out a point by point rebuttal before realizing.

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They’ve said it, on camera.


When someone asked about class balancing on the panel at Blizzcon, they replied that there would be none for Classic.

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Obvious troll is obvious. Report and move on.

@OP, check the sticky at the top of the forum.


I LOL’d so hard I thought I was going to pass out. :smile:

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