Prot Warrior 472 LF Heroic Team

Hello I am a prot warrior in need of a solid raiding guild, been playing wow for a very long time for years so I am very familiar with its ins and outs. I enjoy mythics and would like to push content again and I am trying to get into a team to finish up dragon flight and push the war within. A Fri/Sat night would be ideal but I am two hours behind realm so other days could work depending on the time as I work nights so I would have a hard cut off but that can be talked about I will drop my Bnet so we can chat further.


Hi Kamila - We are full for our main Season 3 raid team - but starting up a Normal raid team on Thursday evenings at 8:30 p.m. ET. that will eventually evolve into Heroic once our Alts are geared.

We also have a lively Mythic+ scene and host Fun Events each week! If you would like to learn more about our vibe and have any questions - add me on Discord! :slight_smile:

Discord: Devonellah#0195 or devonellah

You can also Click here to see our full recruitment post :slight_smile: