Prot Warrior 11.1 PTR Feedback

I’m in that same boat too. I am just saying both of those abilitys aren’t a cheat death. You get hit again after that proc your more than likely dead. Also if you look at most warrior builds right now most arent taking BSV. I have been playing Warrior since Vanilla WoW this might be a Worgen now but she started life as a Night Elf warrior back in vanilla.

You don’t even read what I wrote, do you ?
Pally cheat doesn’t mitigate the dmg that brings you below 30%, BSV does. And with 80% DR and 100% healing increase, it’s impossible for you to die unless you have an afk heal while eating all possible dmg without pressing a single button

Yes I read what you said. You said warriors have cheat death. Which is not correct. You also can get Gift of the Golden Val’kyr to proc every 45 seconds which also procs:

Guardian of Ancient Kings


30 yd range

Instant 5 min cooldown

Requires Paladin

Empowers you with the spirit of ancient kings, reducing all damage you take by 50% for 8 sec.

BSV is a 3 min cooldown. So say you were procing it every time you could get 4 procs in the time BSV will proc once. Yes they are different in scope but you also can get protected far more often. Hence why you dont get a bonus healing like the warrior version gets.

Jesus, warrior brain.

Oh so you resort to personal insults cause you can’t make up a civil discussion. Figures.

Is warrior brain an insult to you ? Why do you play warrior then ?

Just have a discussion rather than resorting to petty insults. I have proven my stuff and all you have done is try and turn it personal. We are done here.

I already explained that much, but you don’t seem to understand what cheat death is. For warrior, it’s pratically impossible to get oneshot with BSV off-cd, but for pally, even when you have GotGV, you can still get oneshot without proccing GoAK if the dmg is higher than your current hp.
Also, why do you play warrior if you take warrior brain as an insult ?

Now that the paladin is ignored. Rage generation really was not an issue that needed to be addressed as it was not a problem. What is the current problem is how far behind the leather using tanks are in comparison to the other tanks in the game. The focus should be brining them up to par not nerfing warriors to an unfun to play state by slowing down both our defensives and damage. The rage nerf is hurting both aspects of the warriors play style and really needs to be addressed before there is only 1 tank being brought to instances/M+

Ardent defender?

Oh I didnt even see they do have a cheat death… We warriors still do not.

Ardent Defender


Instant 2 min cooldown

Requires Paladin

Reduces all damage you take by 20% for 8 sec.

While Ardent Defender is active, the next attack that would otherwise kill you will instead bring you to 20% of your maximum health.

Guess I need to add that to the list now.

BSV may not be a cheat death as they’re traditionally known, but it’s as close as they come. You get a 500% increase to your effective health which effectively puts you at 150% instead of 30%. There are almost no attacks that are going to straight kill you like that

BSV’s strength isn’t a problem. It is (now) a well-designed talent and does see play in very high m+ keys and progression Mythic raids (until death isn’t threatening often).

The issues that plague with BSV currently is that it’s in a hard place to get for most general builds. It is at the bottom of the class tree and competes for far more generally useful talents (bot that do damage, generate resource, and are more fun to use than a passive). BSV provides no additional effect if not utilized, and mishandled can make the talent utterly ineffective. The talent itself provides no passive bonus like Valkyr does (Though we already get that particular effect from Anger Management) or consistent reliability like Will of the Necropolis.

BSV would absolutely get picked as a row 9 or 8 talent. It feels more like our capstone talents are on row 9, with row 10 just being augments to those skills that generally end up being preferable throughout talents.

An idea occurred to me while reading this. The range issue could be alleviated somewhat by attaching it to Crackling Thunder. They’d probably have to rename the talent, but it would make picking that talent (especially as Colossus) feel more impactful without really breaking anything.

Ultimately though, I agree I’d prefer it as a self buff. If they’re intent on needing to also still debuff the mobs, perhaps Demoralizing Shout is changed to work like a temporary aura that applies the debuff to mobs within range for its duration while they remain in range.

I was going to say I dont know many builds that use BSV. Ill be honest I didnt even give it a look till it was mentioned here as a cheat death and I was like… but thats not how that works.

Absolute respect to warrior muscles, they are all over their bodies from head to toes.
The main reason of cheat death is to avoid deaths from mistakes or unexpected dmg spikes. There is absolutely no predictable and avoidable dmg spike in game that can oneshot a tank if you have def cd. AD is an active def cd with a short duration, so it can’t save you from mistakes or unexpected dmg spikes. Moreover, the moment cheat death proc, the buff instantly expires and leaves you naked with sub 20% hp.
On the other hand, you can never ever die with BSV off-cd unless you stay in the most stupid mechanics that guarantes death even with the beefest def cds. And you are unkillable for the whole 8s after the cheat death proc.
Does GotGV stop you from being oneshot ? No.
Does AD prevent deaths from mistakes or unexpected dmg spikes ? No.
Tell me how pally’s cheat is anywhere near prot war’s ?
Fyi, your “I am unkillable” passive has 3 min cd, while BDK has an inferior version on 4 min cd, and VDH has a whole some 8 min cd.