Prot Warrior 11.1 PTR Feedback

Please point out in any of the Protection Warrior threads where I haven’t agreed with that statement.

Guess what? You won’t! Because I actually agree that a reduction of APM shouldn’t occur with out additonal changes to our class utility. In fact let me save you some time and show you exactly what I’ve said.

So we’re resorting to name calling, and putting words in my mouth because you’d rather shout in the void than leave tangible feedback? Sure ok I guess. Hope that works out for you.

so grats were all in the same boat sinking boat and the guys who start these threads dont listen to them anyways. there isnt enough negative feedback involved for the devs to give a care about our opinions thats just the fact of the matter. if they did listen then the changes would have been different from the start so dont go acting like now all of the sudden they care about our opinions lmao.

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I wish, you actually understood how much they value player opinion, instead of name calling, and accusations.

I’ve done this song and dance for years (I think at least since Throne of Thunder in MoP) with Blizzard, and you know why? Because good feedback matters. Sometimes we don’t get the changes we want. Sometimes we’re right and the changes are bogus and have to be walked back (EG Fury Warrior nerfs at the beginning of TWW 1). Sometimes our feedback is dead wrong (Focused Rage in Legion), yet Blizzard gave us the benefit of the doubt and wound up nerfing us later.

None of this happens though from people just complaining. It happens because people gave GOOD ACTIONABLE FEEDBACK about the changes occurring. Like others have given in this thread.

So I’m gonna stop derailing this thread (that was the point of my more recent post), and actually go give feedback when the PTR changes occur so, we can actually have a fun spec to play instead of picking fights with people who are trying to help.


Bro what are you even talking about? They literally decreased the chance for SS resets how does that make us “spam it more” ? Also saying that counteracts your own argument since you’re saying they changed something that they didn’t need to but now we are doing something different? Lmao

i do understand their actions speak louder than words. you keep saying they care so much about our opinions then let me ask you this? why are they not listening why are they making changes we didnt ask for? its because htye are not listening to us they are listening to what they want the class to be not what we want. they saw how bad it was in the ptr and instead of reverting the bad changes they double and triple down trying to make adjustments to fit THEIR vision not ours. so once again i look at their actions and find them lacking and will continue to say so.

all these changes came down to lowering apm and then they made a change that increases it again…i dont know why that need explaining. its a result of rage gen loss and damage loss from the changes they made.

i dont even know what you are saying with this statement the original changes to lower the apm wasnt needed. flat out full stop and all these other changes are them doubling down on that original change.

Uhmm…sure whatever you say, you know best :slight_smile:

Can we please get some love to warrior utility? It has been lacking for the past 2 expansions now.

A lust, a rez, a cauterize, and/or actually make bitter immunity useful talent with a decent CD. Uncap Incap Roar like you did with priest’s fear maybe? It feels silly being a warrior in a paladin / dh / bear world the past 2 expansions. If you are every not flat out 2x tankier or doing 2x more damage you just are not brought.

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Latest PTR notes:

Prot probably needs more changes but given the minimal changes everyone else received, the major changes are likely set in stone for 11.1.

Prepare for emergency hotfixes post release.

Taking into account all the other changes they’ve already made it isn’t a tiny amount. Gotta test it but I think it should feel okay at the worst

This feels better but. It would be nice that when our abilities proc, we could use them immediately instead of waiting for the GCD. The Abilities light up, and we have to wait. Can we get the procs to just reset the GCD?

Dear Blizzard,

I will repeat myself again - please look into the talents tree, especially the SPEC tree which has NOT been touched since DF. We gave you enough options to move talents around to make it less bloated and focused on ‘must-have’ talents for throughput without which, you struggle.

Focus on that and add/refine our utility which we have nothing to help the group survive the damage, help recover, or help with damage. Everyone has stun or similar fear ability, which is not a unique utility.

Please for the love of fun and gameplay, act now or as it was said before me, if we are not above damage done/taken above the rest of the tanks we will never be ‘favored’ for anything - m+ or raids.


I agree on utility and it really doesn’t even need a ton for me to be happy. It would be great to get all the utility, but my immediate Wishlist for MT is:

-Rallying Cry being 50-100% better in five-man content.
-Storm Shield providing 200-300% more magic absorb (or a flat 15% magic DR). Magic absorb/DR also applies to the Prot Warrior for the duration (optional on Prot Warrior part). Add 30 seconds to intervene cd. Make it a button worth clicking in higher keys.
-And one of the following: A poison dispel, brez, or way to displace mobs.

Since Blizzard is slowing down the gameplay, we have more mental space to contribute outside very low damage and low-value stuns after the recasting changes.

The funny thing is we had most of the utilities that other tank classes now have… And the mob dispels was the main thing - SS dispel.

and has a 50% chance of dispelling 1 magic effect on the target.

AoE DR - demo banner
ST DR - vigilance
AoE taunt statue - aoe banner
+Dmg - crit banner
dispel - SS

etc… etc…

That is sad to hear. I started playing mid S3 Dragonflight. The barren utility world is all I have experienced.