What extra rage gen? Am I missing a build cause Colossus has nothing that interacts with SS. Part of why Colossus is rage starved is its focus is on Revenge with Tide of Battle doing 10% more Revenge dmg per stack of Colossal Might. (Which is why the nerf to the Execute Phase is really bad for both Prot and Arms)
One of the core problems is the fact that Shield Slam is both our highest damage (outside of execute) and highest rage generator.
Some thoughts on how it could be changed.
Give us a single target spender that deals more damage than shield slam. This could maybe replace execute or maybe make execute usable all the time and just deal increased damage below the health threshold. Make it cost a flat amount rage.
Reduce the base cooldown of Shield slam and Thunderclap to something like 6 seconds and 4 seconds respectively.
Increase the rage generated by both Shield slam and Thunderclap. Like 25 rage for shield slam and 10 for thunderclap.
Remove Strategist (I know I’ll catch a lot of crap for this one) Keep the reset on Devastate/Devastator but this way we could have a more reliable rotation and when we get a proc it will feel good but it won’t feel terrible when we don’t.
Jumper Cables. Buy them. If someone dies you ping their corpse, go over to it, and click your jumper cable keybind. Rank 3 is a 2 second cast. No excuse to not have battle rez in a group anymore.
When your tanking you cant go stand in a puddle someone just died in and channel for 2 seconds, during which you can not block. In tww there is very few times that a tank can use jumper cables without getting killed.
I have been hoping that Shield Slam returns to the good old regular cooldowns, like it was in early expansions.
That is, Devastator and Strategist no longer reset the cooldown of Shield Slam, and instead amplify the next Shield Slam by making it generate more Rage (and cause more damage).
This way, we cast less Shield Slams, but each Shield Slam slams hard.
Would be a nice focus for a potential rework which includes rebalancing it’s rage generation and changing spenders according to the rate of resource generation. But they would have to also adjust a few other things too. Not that we’d see anything of the sort until they decide to rework it for the 3rd raid tier or next xpac.
Thanks for worrying about the players, but this change won’t make me spam my Shield Block / Ignore Pain macro keybind less, it will just activate Ignore Pain less often. You might see a lower APM count on your side, but my KPM will stay the same. So big change for not much.
So, to sum it up… “We appreciate the feedback but shove it where the sun doesn’t shine. We are sticking with the changes and we don’t care that 99.9% of the players hate it. Pay us your subscription fee and take what you are given.”
Well if you want to be blunt about it… yea
Why do you have a shield block / Ignore pain macro? there’s no need to macro these abilities.
I still do not understand the APM challenge folks have. I have been playing with a 12 button mouse since they have had them, and only playing warrior, mainly prot but I’ll also dabble into arms and fury, and fury has a higher APM than prot. Prot feels perfect the way it is right now.
I feel like the change is coming from a place of someone who tried out prot warrior outside of higher keys and mythic raids.
There’s zero chance that fury, with basically 0 abilities off gcd, has a higher apm than prot.
I was referring to the change they made in last weeks PTR build where one of the nodes in Colossus gives Shield Slam 3 more rage on it!
Oh I didn’t see that. Its still not going to make up for the lost of Rage on Prot Warriors and how much rage we spend on Revenge which is Colossus Prot’s bread and butter. And the core of the issue with a blanket nerf.
Because then I have one button to click for both. And I have just a regular Ignore Pain if I don’t need blocking.
Well here’s hoping they listen to the feedback and walk back some of the changes in the next build. Right now the PTB is a mess for protection warrior and Colossus Prot is barely playable. If the goal is to kill the fun of warrior then congratulations goal reached. Please don’t kill warriors Blizzard.
I cant believe i just sat here for an hour and half reading every single comment. Some of you, wow, just wow, have zero concept of how a Prot Warrior is played. Alot of you know exactly how a Prot Warrior is played, but analyze the class into the ground. Some of you love how a Prot Warrior works and plays but dont want anyone to compete with you on APM. News Flash, high APM is THE ONLY WAY to play a Prot Warrior. Its all about APM. When you get an upgrade in gear, its about increasing your APM. If it doesnt, guess what, its NOT an upgrade. Simple as that.
Lets look at the problem from a perspective that most people dont think about that much. Its all about 100% uptime on Shield Block and 100% uptime on Ignore Pain. Prot Warriors can survive an INCREDIBLE amount of Physical Damage. Once the Rage starts flowing, its off to the races. The only class i know of right now that can actually stay on par with Prot Warriors concearning incoming physical damage is the Prot Pally, but it takes a much higher item level to do so. I think that Blizzard is looking at that alone while making their decision on such a horrible change.
In short, they really dont have any data to back up the change but they really hate the 100% uptime on Shield Block and 100% uptime on Ignore Pain. I really think it irks them.
On a side note, if these changes go through, Prot Warriors will disappear by the bus load.
The strategist nerf goes too far and will lead to dead globals. feelsbadman
I agree that it is rather bad design. But blizz likes their ‘maintenance’ abilities and there’s really nothing else to fall back on.
The class is currently built from the bottom up around gaining and spending massive amounts of rage. Unlike mana or energy, rage bounces up and down faster than a BDK HP bar. Just cutting rage alone makes no sense, they’d need a complete revamp. Anything less would gut the spec.
I don’t get the APM challenge either. I play both Prot and Fury on my Warrior with no issue and I have a mouse that has 7 buttons on the side. Like, sure, does my mouse make it easier to play? Definitely but my keybinds are set up in a way that I can just as easily play my Prot/Fury Warrior with no issue if I had a run of the mill mouse
The fact that the big reason they’re nerfing Prot Warrior is cause of high APM for “specific players” makes me wonder if anyone who actually does high level content is upset over the APM. It feels like Blizzard’s trying to cater to the wrong crowd but I really don’t want to believe that Blizzard would be so dumb trying to cater to people like this. Granted, it is Blizzard that we’re talking about here so it also wouldn’t surprise me since that’s usually how they shoot themselves in the foot.