That’s definitely a valid point, however given that there are multiple options of extra button mice (even the basic 2 side button mice) where players can reduce strain on one hand by splitting oGCDs to their mouse hand instead like they should be doing, isn’t exactly the reason to be shooting ol yella in the back yard for those who’ve used critical thinking skills to set-up their keybinds to a comfortable way.
I disagree with these highly. As respectfully the devs have no clue what the issue is here as it’s not the base tree shield slam talents, the problem is Mountain Thane’s Burst of power, thunder blast, lightning strike and unstoppable force reducing thunderclap’s cooldown by 50% during avatar which prot has at such a silly high uptime in thane as a result of these combinations it’s generally achieving 75-80APM as thane while Colossus prot ends up at an average of 65APM with the current gameplay on live.
Colossus Gameplay in keys at least does in fact focus on Revenge on GCD rage spending and doesn’t spam IP as much for a rage dump since it uses Brutal Vitality to fuel it’s IPs until it’s low enough that they have to IP again.
To put it in perspective the rage generation throughout a key for Prot between Thane and Colossus is roughly the same for Shield Slam casts but the massive difference is in thunderclap.
Throughout a key Mountain Thane will generate 4000 rage with Thunderclap/Thunderblast/Lightning Strikes for every 1000 rage a Colossus warrior would generate through their Thunderclap casts. This is largely due to Colossus favouring other nodes in the Class tree such as Immovable Object over Unstoppable force or being better to pick the other augments to the capstones they’ve taken out of Thunderous Roar / Champion’s Spear.
Thunderclap’s cooldown ends up at a bout a ~4.2s cooldown after haste. That’s 2.1s during Unstoppable force… You’re pressing thunderclap every 2.1s during avatar, which has a ~50% uptime for Thane. The GCD consumption of Thunderclap/Thunderblast rivals that of shield slam.
You’ve got next no option to dump rage though as Prot. Casting a 20 rage Revenge will do next to diddly squat in putting a dent in your rage bar when Ignore Pain dumps 35 rage per cast which also has a 1s cooldown on being able to recast it.
So once again when the main culprit is thunder clap where else is the Mountain Thane Warrior going to spend their rage? If every 2nd GCD for half the time is a Thunderclap? And then most other GCDs end up being filled out by Burst of Power procs causing excessive shield slam resets.
TLDR: Shield slam is not the problem, thunderclap and the excessive amounts of excess rage generation talents in mountain thane is. Remove rage from Thunder blasts. Remove the thunderclap CDR from unstoppable force, double the damage dealt modifiers to compensate on Thunderclap.
Reinstate removed baseline talents to their live state until you rework prot to not be such a slot machine fiesta of ability resets in the next patch.
Also put Crushing Force and Reinforced plates to 1 point talents for the love of god, we’ve got no flexibility at all in our talent builds next patch due to these two hogging so much of our t2 points and all out t3 points are locked in to damage modifiers. This is even more apparent with the rage cost being removed from Barbaric Training which causes yet another mandatory talent to be taken in t2.