Prot Pallies are not broken in pvp

i play a disc priest and once did 600k healing in a 2s and the prot did 500k lmao. but i did 100k dmg and he did 500k. we still won, because hes a cheesy troll, but still thats dumb af

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Lol! Really?! with my whooping 765 rating! Nice try, though. You should try a rogue since you’re so good at hiding.

Whatever lol I mainly pve it doesn’t bother me much but i would like to point out that if you don’t have 2400 rating in pvp you shouldn’t comment on class balance. If a 2400 rated person comes and tells me they need a nerf then I’ll believe them. I don’t know much about pvp but I know better than to believe people who have sub 2k rating

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yeah you need to get 2400 rating, 0.1% of the playerbase to speak about pvp.
your iq is definitely sub 100, just dont talk about pvp dude.

You see a pally pop wings and charge at you as prot/ret. thats when you demonic gate and circle to kite around as much as possible. don’t stand there and take it, lol.

Idk, I didn’t check your profile. /Shrug

This is what I do.

You should stop talking as well. Fairly certain the top players know about how classes work than your lvl 50 forum toon

yes, top r1 players also think prot pala is a meme. anything else?

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god this guy is such a bumbling moron its amazing lol

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It’s with all tanks while leveling my alt I watched 4 people lose to a lvl 60 bear druid 55k hp.

Source ? Please link me the source

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sorry i dont have time for that lmao. why dont you use google? im done now. you’re so insufferable.

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So what you are saying is you sat there and did nothing for around 5 to 6 seconds while the paladin likely had wings and possibly even seraphim up then came to the forum complaining as soon as the bg was over. You must have been playing some unknown spec with 0 stuns, 0 mobility, 0 defensive cooldowns. Maybe enlighten us what spec that is… Should be interesting when you run into a ret, fire mage, moonkin to see the next nerf this thread.

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Your a liar , you would make up false stuff and call the other person a moron to discredit his arguments. Then when asked for a source say you don’t have time.

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dude why don’t you learn how to use grammar first before replying to me again. it’s you’re*. i dont really care. you dont even pvp so stf about pvp.

im not gonna go searching for a video to appease some little troll on this forum

Omg gramme correction. This is when you know you’ve lose all credibility

yeah that makes so much sense bro

The guy who doesn’t pvp is telling people who pvp that they aren’t credible. Imagine that. :clown_face:

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Hmmm… Try: “Dude, first, why don’t you learn how to use grammar before replying to me again?”

It’s “God, this guy is such a bumbling moron”. Perhaps you should take a look at your own grammar before calling other people out on something you are failing at.