Prot Paladins suffering from PvE mitigation/self-sustainment

You still show your inability to do any research whatsoever. If you are actually looking, you’ll notice I didn’t push keys the past several weeks. I hit 1660 io like 3 weeks ago and have been taking it easy.

Totally ignored the fact that people far better than you have said the exact opposite huh? So not only blizz but people running 20s+, but hey man sure, you clearly are the number 1 pali, hard stuck at 1600 and +18.


Never once claimed I’m #1. I know I’m not the best and there are hundreds above me. The fact that I am not the best
and can face tank most pulls proves my point even further. Keep trying to pull random things out of thin air.

I took a break to farm upgradables, not cause I’m hard stuck. Unlike you, who just complains that the game is too hard and isnt even close to KSM yet.


That’s a really good rebuttal, I can tell you are taking your side of the argument very seriously.

In case you believe what I said up there ^ I was being sarcastic

No… U r just wrong in what u were saying and I didn’t feel like I needed to correct you on your mistakes…

Just because you tell someone they’re wrong doesn’t make you right lol.

You have to provide reasoning and facts if you’re trying to prove something otherwise don’t even waste your own time

100% SOTR uptime is 24%, use blessed hammer talent to constantly build up HPower. I use WoG on free cast when spiking. I also pop Defensive CD’s when low and pop a WoG. I recommend Righteous Protector Talent, which lowers the CD time for AR and GoAK. Always spend HPower, if you spend it as you get it you should be good. I have never had a big issue with being squishy, I also recommend getting stats aligned early with Haste/Verse. Then once you get around 12-15% verse bring in more mastery. I have a balance of 24% haste 15 verse and 16 mastery. Crit is close to obsolete.

You can have 100% uptime with far less Haste especially in a dungeon.

I agree, given I need to prove you wrong.
I don’t need to prove anything you said wrong, it’s like asking a person to prove why the earth is round when people claim it’s flat. The burden of proof is on the accuser, what you said was wrong, there is no need for me to prove it wrong, it is on you to prove it right, which you can’t because it isn’t.

You’re still not doing it

You talk alot of smack for someone hiding their main.

18’s aren’t considered low keys either.

PS. Yes pallies are squish af.