Prot paladins in arena

I’ve seen 5+ prot paladins in arena today standing back using shield and judgement doing crazy damage from 30 yards and doing more healing then my healer whos doing no damage spamming heals attempting to heal through 2 warriors damage while getting spam storm bolted. people crying for a “fast pace” meta are literally ruining the game its not fun not being able to physically do a single thing. also this was at 2014 rating.

There are several threads about this topic already. Such as:

On just the first page, mind you. You should consider posting in one of these threads instead of spamming the forums.

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how am I spamming on the forums? leave my thread I can create a new topic at my own will. who do you think you are lol

Imagine unironically losing to prot paladins while taking the meme bracket that is 2s seriously lol

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I’d rather people spam create threads about it. It’s a problem that needed fixing two years ago.

what are you talking about? nobody said anything about 2’s at all… use your eyes… lmao more butt hurt paladins crying for savix to not get nerfed, get lost…

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What? Lol

Are you ok?

what feedback? all specs of paladins are 10%-100% healing with 1 WoG. its not that deep.

The feedback is what it has been for two full years. Nerf WoG healing. Not hard.

quote in the thread where someone talks about 2’s. please. enlighten me.

By pushing your buttons?

Idk, someone complained about actually LOSING to a prot paladin, so I assumed it was 2s.

But you lost to a prot paladin in 3s? Lol

Nah look, yeah pushing my buttons might help

Will try that next time

lol you’re the biggest degenerate, why aren’t you glad yet? lol get your glad before you cry about your WoG’s not healing for 20k. you’re on every paladin forum defending your busted class go outside

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Its funny because I’m probably one of the arena forums biggest proponents of extreme dislike over the Ringing Clarity conduit and Healing Hands talent.

They literally can’t be arsed to properly design rets, so they rely on overtuning it into viability since Legion.

i honestly feel bad for ret players, the only time the spec is viable is when its gimmicky, its never been in an overall good state.

I liked WOD, I was just too busy to play during most of WOD and I mained a DK at the time