Proposition for buffalo mount

Yes Buffalo please.

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The Buffalo is a symbol of everything near and dear to Texas and the Horde!

Buffalo Facts: To clean themselves buffalo make a small depression in the ground to roll in, covering themselves in dirt. This is called wallowing. Or as they say in the southern US, wallerin.

Sometimes in life, a person has to make a decision. Do you fight for what you believe in, or do you just give up and continue on with life how it is? I ask you right now, which one are you? Who do you want to be? This is an opportunity in time that you can effect the world in a very real way. Make your voice heard.
We need buffalos.

I’m certainly not opposed to a buffalo mount but the yaks are pretty darn close as it is.

I thought American Buffalo and bison were the same thing. Are they not? And also yes a Buffalo mount! I’ve always wanted to ride one irl

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Why did this show up under my “Unread” tab? Is Blizz actively trying to get me to necro?

Because it worked.

Also, I would do damn near whatever it takes for a buffalo mount. That would be fantabulous.

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We have battle pet Ducks…