Proposal to include the T0.5 (Dungeon Set 2) quest line to be available during BWL release

No, it took coordination, but it wasn’t THAT difficult - not a gear check or anything, just a skill check.

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It took a mixture of gear AND skill. You cannot discount the latter. You could not complete it without skill, it was unforgiving. Yeah, it was one of the most difficult feats in the game BECAUSE of the level of skill required, and the lack of skill of the vast population.
(I am talking about baron 45, not the beast room boss followup)

Yeah I got you, I just don’t think it’s all that difficult - but maybe that’s because I’m good, and did it with guildies? I dunno, we did it the first day we tried - it took us like 3-4 tries and after that we I never failed on it again.

It was definitely the hardest thing pre-raiding, but there’s so many encounters that took a lot more coordination than that and on a grander scale etc.

It was fun though, I’m hoping it’s in before I start raiding again this time.

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In what way was raiding harder?

4 Horsemen

These all require more coordination, amongst more people, and I don’t think this is at all exhaustive.

Again - it was hard, challenging and fun - but it’s certainly not the hardest encounter in the game

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How many of them allowed for individuals to slack and not be at the top of their game during a 45 minute span of time?

Look, I am not saying that raiding was easy, but the baron run was a different type of hard. Raiding is more of a herding cats flavor of difficulty. In a baron run if 1 person slacks, missteps, pulls the wrong thing at the same time, goes OOM, doesn’t CC when needed, etc, during a non-stop 45 minute period of time, that is 20% of your group that will cause a wipe. 1 person or 5 slacking, misstepping, pulling the wrong thing at the wrong time, goes OOM, doesn’t CC when needed, etc, in a raid and the rest of the raid can likely absorb/carry that mistake.

Comparing naxx or AQ to Tier 0.5 is not fair. The power difference in gear is astronomical, and even then 1 person out of 40 could still be pants on head retarded and get naxx gear.

A more appropriate comparison would be MC or some BWL fights and tier 0.5 as they are much closer to gear rewards power (advantage still goes to raid gear for significantly better non-generalist stats). Getting carried through MC or BWL is significantly easier and happened far more frequently than people busting their rear for a general purpose semi-epic quality set.

:construction: D2 Questline At Release Or Bust :construction:

I don’t think it needs to be at release, Having the D1 available at launch then drop the upgrade chain into content bucket 2 would be sufficient.

Really? everyone was doing it on my server. But i agree with adding it in slightly sooner as classic was very forgiving on gear differences having that gap shortened between raiders and non-raiders is always super helpful.

Legit compromise.

Not likely since it looks like Blizzard has no intention of having progressive itemization, which means every item would be in their 1.12 state from the get-go.

Oh please, you’re making the 45-minute baron out to be this real hardcore thing that it really isn’t. As long as you don’t wipe (which you shouldn’t if you know what you’re doing, it’s a 5-man FFS), and have a group of competent players there should be no issue clearing Strath in 45 minutes.

You’re describing raiding as how it was in Vanilla when people had no clue what they were doing and some players would afk or disconnect during fights.

The only time baron run could be excruciatingly hard is if you’re doing it with randoms, which is going to go as well as a completely unorganized pug MC, good luck with that.


Did you personally do it during vanilla?

The just “don’t wipe” line leads me to that conclusion. The “It’s a 5-man ffs” line confirms it. I doubt you ever even attempted it.

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Never bothered with the quest but I’m pretty sure I’ve done strath UD run in under 45 minutes. It’s not hard as long as you’re not clueless and don’t waste time with extra packs.

No. You didn’t. (At least not at L60)

You know nothing, Boomsky Snow.

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