Proposal to include the T0.5 (Dungeon Set 2) quest line to be available during BWL release

Actually seems like a very good idea.

All of them. All pre-TBC.

Posted on my mage who is wearing all but the hat (I prefer the fishing hat for showing off) No idea why the profile will not display. Stupid forum.

nice, the questlines were fun sounding.

also very nice, more content for non raiders was a nice thing they added late honestly. and yes i agree the forum is stupid, only thing I like alot is not having threads break.

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I even went back in to see if the hide profile box was checked, and nope. Just not displaying. Does it show on your end?

i can see summary and activity. Thought you had to go the old forums to see the armory though?

I can see my own of Gnocci:

It took a couple tries of clicking on my profile, as the first click just caused the forum to refresh. Thermal isn’t even given the option to view anything but post history, and yours says profile viewing is blocked.


I can view Gnocci’s on this mage, but not the mage’s.

sigh…it could be really good, but simple stuff like armory viewing should not be this hard…

It doesn’t exactly instill confidence in blizzard, that’s for certain.


Well I’m pretty sure blizzard hired out this forums to a subcontractor, seems to be a pattern where they sub out work instead of doing anything inhouse for cheap garbage and to save money (see D:I).

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Are you suggesting the stronger items not be in the game till later then? If you’re only doing the questlines and content for the fun of it, then surely you would not mind the OP items being locked till the raid gear catches up?

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Yup. For all his arguments against it, it’s pretty obvious from looking at his profile that Apocalypse was the very casual he’s been denigrating others as in this thread:

To whit:

Hated with Brood of Nozdormu, Neutral with Argent Dawn, merely Friendly with the Cenarion Circle, and doesn’t even have the Zandalar Tribe rep (though he somehow has the Kill Hakkar FoS). Aside from the Hakkar FoS he has the Onyxia FoS, but he doesn’t have The Fifth Element FoS despite being Honored with the Hydraxian Warlords. What that tells me is that he was too lazy to get an Aqual Essence to put out MC runes and was very likely carried in all of his raids. There’s certainly absolutely nothing in his profile that would lend any credence to him having completed D2. Just another fronting poser.


seems about right, tbh

When you resort to attacking the person instead of their argument. :joy:

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Trash “argument” got the quality of response it deserved.


It is ADORABLE how much effort you put into trying to troll me, simply for pointing out the absolute absurdity of your proposed suggestion, and the issues it would create. Even better is how you cannot possibly come up with a single counter argument and instead resort to your now reported personal attack post… but for the record

This warlock clearly isn’t my OG warlock from vanilla, that character remains on my vanilla server. Frankly even a total moron should have been able to figure that one out, but here you are nonetheless… Now moving on to the rest of your personal attack:

-You’re correct, I never once bought essence for MC runes, and have even stated that on multiple occasions on this forum… Didn’t even know or care where the vendor was… Other people got runes before the raid, I got shards, and summoned people (often off the edge of BRM into the lava).

For other fun facts, I had never been to silithus prior to the gate opening event, and didn’t give a single damn about it until then, nor did I even know there was a zone called hinterlands until my guild went to go murder a green dragon there.

What I DID do during vanilla, was pvp my brains out. My guild was the top pvp guild on the server, and for the most part, any second not spent raiding was spent killing people… I had 100,000hks on just my warlock, another 20,000 on my rogue and the rep for “conqueror” (which wasn’t a thing until tbc if memory serves) on both of them. I also got ranks 11 and 10 simultaneously, AB 0-exalted in under 3 weeks and helped roughly 7 different people get HWL.

As for “getting carried”, good lord you are being pathetic. Stretch Armstrong doesn’t reach as hard as you do… I was the top Warlock dps in my guild, and a top 4 for all the dps. During that time, we where also server 3rd, Horde 2nd on progression until the guild died mid BWL and I eventually hooked up with the #1 horde progression guild. From there we where server first in AQ40, where I raided up until Emps, when disagreements between myself and the lock class lead at the time (who managed to be even more inept than your post) caused me to step back from raiding until Naxx (he opposed me raiding as SM/Ruin, which was the 2nd best lock spec at the time, because he wanted us all to run MD/Ruin, which aside from being an atrocious pve spec, was also an atrocious pvp spec)… When that moron was eventually removed I rejoined the guild and we cleared up to 4h in Naxx before general apathy with TBC coming out started taking too large a toll…

Now finally boy, if you’re gonna try and run your little mouth at me, at least have the damn decency to bring something of substance to the discussion rather than your passive aggressive beta male attempts to armory troll me.


What suggestion? I never made any suggestion because I don’t care. D2 with BWL or D2 between AQ and Naxx, it really doesn’t make a difference to me. I’m fine with whatever Blizzard decides.

Blah, blah, blah, nobody cares about your boasting; neither the true or made-up/exaggerated parts.

OMG, did you just throw Incel-speak at me? LOLOLOLOLOL. Get over yourself and grow up. The fact you called me a “beta male” says one of two things:

  1. You’re just a teenaged Edgelord wannabe who wasn’t even old enough to play Wow in classic, let alone all of the supposed accomplishments you’re bragging about.

  2. You’re an adult, in which case the fact you choose to insult me with incel-speak states loud and clear that while you may chronologically be an adult your maturity is that of a child.

Either way, neither you nor anything you said deserves to be taken with any seriousness, and I choose to respond accordingly.


Then you admit your only presence in this thread is to troll, wonderful. Enjoy your vacation.

Says the tool who just tried to armory troll me over an in game issue you now pretend to not care about. You tried to call me out, and I responded by putting you in your place. Now go sit in the corner or scurry off back into obscurity.

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