Proposal for bringing back Mage Tower rewards

No. I haven’t. I explained my original post to the OP. Nothing about that was ever condescending or disrespectful. YOU started in on ME. Don’t dish it if you can’t take it.

That right there where you decided I was suddenly the bad guy here, twisting my words, calling it silly? That’s where you started this.

And here’s where you continued it:

And STILL continue it. So no, you aren’t going to get sweet, happy responses when you lie about what I said.

Another to add to the pile for the blatant disrespect because you people insist on using a name I asked you NOT TO USE.

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They reused that rig and never did recolors of those mounts, which honestly surprised me.



And posting any proof that I have is against ToS.

You clearly are gaslighting with this comment and know exactly what you’re doing.

Typical sock puppet behavior is typical.

They are my biggest “trauma” in this game :sob:
I would pay obsene amounts of money for one.

Worst thing is actually I tried to get the silver achievements back then, and I got some (three or four, I don’t remember) but it was too late (I started playing in the end of MoP) and I didn’t have friends to help, nor enough gold to buy carries (as many people who advocate against them being added back to the game did).


I’m sorry your entire emotional wellbeing teeters on such an edge that having an argument you make called ‘silly’ makes you fly off on insulting and condescending tirades, but apparently that’s a common occurrence for you.

Good luck with that in the future


And posting any proof that I have is against ToS.

lmao sure thing bud.

Here’s me posting a bug fix on this account months ago. Typical sock puppet behavior!!

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Criminals act innocent too buddy.

Sorry, not sorry.



evidence I have is against the TOS

nice LARP as some NSA analyst but you’re aware nobody actually buys it, right?


I tried to go with friends and guildies. We failed so miserably and I never got to go back. Not trying to get that Druid appearance is what haunts me. Every time I see someone in it, I die a little inside. LOL

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That’s fine, I’m not ignorant to the information available to me.

I’ll be around :wink:

How about this: they create another single player challenge mode play which awards special class/spec skins. Rather than bringing back something old, create something new, perhaps make it an ‘evergreen’ thing that adjusts over time to keep its challenge intact and rotates rewards so people have a chance at some stage to gain them.

Why bring back something old? New content being added is better imo, and it means more when it is achieved at the time.

I’m sure your dad works at Microsoft, too and your girlfriend who conveniently lives in Canada can back it up but she’s unavailable right now.

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Don’t resort to personal assumptions now sock puppet.


Mans went into defense mode real quick.

Go ahead and name the account I supposedly also use.


The lesson learned from this thread is:

It’s not the account, it’s the character.

But I’ll be there when you switch.

Thread lightly cutie.

Enjoy your tirade.

This too.

Apparently a trend.

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Name the character + server please, thanks.


I’d rather let you simmer in the hot pan.

Knowing very well I’ll be living rent free in your head now.

Chess, not checkers.

Goodbye :slight_smile:

The same reason they brought back a ton of Naxx things, Old SM, Scholomance, etc.

Because people want them and people want to do the content to get them.

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